What is your line in the sand?
Edit: thank you all for your responses. I think it’s important as an American we take your view points seriously. I think of a North Korean living inside of North Korea. They don’t really know how bad it is because that is all hidden from them and they’ve never had anything else. As things get worse for Americans it’s important to have your voices because we will become more and more isolated.
Even the guy who said, “lol.” Some people need that sort of sobering reaction.
We’re not talking about anything else.
Candidates regularly ignore states while campaigning. I know for a fact that happened last year with both Trump and Harris. They do know their states are locked in.
I’m saying the swing states are created artificially to create a close race. It wouldn’t be close otherwise and instead decidedly blue if it were a fairer system that doesn’t devalue people’s votes arbitrarily.
And also, your map needs population density to be meaningful. And a better source.
It’s hyperbole. Their populations are peanuts to the cities, which is why we weed the population density so you can stop pointing at the map and be like “see all this red land??” and I stop internally screaming.
swing states are the result of the voting populace going 50/50 on what party they vote for. One doesn’t create a swing state.
I see where you’re coming from. Popular vote wins the election, easy enough. People don’t vote like that. I don’t understand why you are refusing to see the other perspective.
People with similar ideologies clump together. Democrats are a majority in the US, and the greater share of which live very close to one another in select cities across the country. What you are saying is that only what they think matters and they will always get their way because there is more of them.
People who live in the city live very different lives and have different concerns than people live in rural areas. I don’t necessarily think it is okay for one group to have all the power, especially since they are so out of touch with one another.
An election system should be consistent and maintain a competitive election, and should not succumb to mass politics or control from people in power.
Yes, by tipping the voting base to go 50/50. It’s literally like 60/40 if the electoral college is removed, and that’s my entire point. I’m not here to argue the hows and whys about why it is that way. Voter disenfranchisement is my main point and that’s my only point.
Because I know the other perspective and it’s a load of bullshit. Here, all of this:
All of it is apologetic bullshit and an excuse for the right wing to hinder and diminish other people’s rights to vote, as they always do. The only time location actually matters (and should matter) is whether you’re voting from abroad or not. That’s how we do it and that’s how everyone I know does it… except for the US because of its bullshit conservative mental gymnastics, as always.
I’ve never in my life seen a more out of touch party than the Conservatives, tbh. Being “out of touch” is not a strong argument, and doubly so in today’s American political circus.
Pfft. No. That honestly sounds like you have an agenda in your mind that somehow, and for some reason, must give special concessions to the lesser party so that you have a minority rule at the expense of people’s voting rights and dignity. That’s evil and that’s not democratic in the way that aligns with most people’s values.
You don’t appear to understand how the electoral college works. Each state has electors who vote on behalf of the citizenry. These electors always go with the populace. So essentially popular vote applies to win the electoral votes of a state. Some states do winner take all, some split the electoral votes proportional to how the populace voted. A state that Is 50/50 doesn’t become 60/40 if the electoral college is removed. People vote how they vote and that’s that.
I don’t mean out of touch in the traditional sense. I mean the rural residents and urban residents are out of touch with each other, meaning they live very different lives.
I have an agenda in mind? You are quite literally advocating for single-party dominance, and all they need to do to is maintain control over their already established small spheres of influence in large cities. Appeal to a couple local politicians and their citizens, maintain power, leave the rest of the country in ruin.