As a resident of the Canadian portion of Cascadia I’d be in favour of a European style union of your former states and Canada. Unfortunately you’re too big and too American (for lack of a better term) heavily armed [found it] to just let you in. Maybe we could handle Hawaii but I’m sure they’d probably rather be their own country than join us which is totally fair.
They don’t want us. I already asked. But CA, OR, and WA can secede and make Cascadia minus the Canadian portion.
New England needs to consider leaving the US too. It’s like we are in an abusive relationship now.
I grew up in Vermont and I live in Canada now. Please don’t make me go back, lol.
Nah. As a canukian, I’m down with it
As a resident of the Canadian portion of Cascadia I’d be in favour of a European style union of your former states and Canada. Unfortunately you’re too big and too
American (for lack of a better term)heavily armed [found it] to just let you in. Maybe we could handle Hawaii but I’m sure they’d probably rather be their own country than join us which is totally fair.Too bad Arizona is in the way, NM wants to join you at least parts of us do.
Can you talk Texas into splitting up into multiple states to offset the loss of WA OR & CA?
I’d take California in a minute, please join us. We could use a little bit of sunshine.
You can leave behind your shitty governor though, I’ll pass on that.