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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • For short term relief/emotional regulation my counsellor taught me TIPP Temperature - cold water/ice/object to lower heart rate Intense exercise - a few mins of jumping jacks/running on the spot/shaking it off Paced breathing/box breathing Paired muscle relaxation - tense and relax different muscle groups

    When I’m anxious I tend to get overactive so the ones that help me most are splashing cold water on my face and the intense exercise.

    Anxiety during bedtime or if I have time during the day, ASMR or a well paced peaceful podcast also do the trick.

    I think I will try the slower speed music, that sounds interesting.

  • That was an example, but it doesn’t necessarily need to be taking the children away. “Re-education” with the intent to remove someone’s ethnical/cultural background is cultural genocide. The idea of “kill the Indian and save the man”, in this case would be like “kill the Uighur and save the person”. But I don’t know enough about the specifics in China and I’m not arguing that what they’re doing is specifically cultural genocide, I’m just saying that cultural genocide is real and does occur.

    And I very strongly disagree that the civil war was cultural genocide. Just because the majority of the people who were on the losing side were white doesn’t mean they were targeted indiscriminately JUST for being white (that’s the key difference here). They were not targeted because of the way they looked or the language they spoke or where they were born. Racism and oppression are not cultural or human rights.

    Equating white American culture to the racism that specifically Confederate and Neo-N*zis were and continue to advocate for is very much “I’m German so the swastika is my heritage” vibes.