Are you saying that society treats them as worth less or that you believe they’re worth less?
Are you saying that society treats them as worth less or that you believe they’re worth less?
They weren’t justifying anything or making a moral statement, they were just discussing the technical question that was posed.
He took clients?? Lock this man up for at least 15 years.
Top ten youtubers… who’ve SWORN 😱
…wtf?? How do you have negative one downvote?
alien planets could be purple
So the prophecies are true…
It’s still accurate
People will use it for ghosting unfortunately
Pretending everything is fine is not a good strategy.
Mods, stop removing only the aggressive messages that you disagree with. Please apply the rules evenly.
Native: What indicator would you consider that would make you say “ok, this is worse”? Because I sincerely believe that if you pick a reasonable one, it will probably happen.
I find their anger often comes from the frustration of arguing with someone whose viewpoint is further away from reality than their own.
We see you voting against your own interests and it makes us annoyed because we want the same things and so we should be on the same side.
Because voting determines who will be president in the future. It’s not a “Did you like the last 4 years” exit poll. Given the choice between Trump and Kamala, one was clearly the worse choice comparatively if you wanted prices to go down over the next 4 years.
I would have supported Sanders over Trump
This is it, right here. The DNC needs this rammed through their skulls until they understand it.
It still doesn’t make sense to me to vote for Trump given what you’ve said though-- he’s radical, but in precisely the wrong way to achieve your stated goals.
Your numbers don’t seem right to me. He got ~45% of registered voters and ~28% of adults. Where’s your 15% from?
Ok but I still partially blame the people who voted the oligarchs into power
The old norms weren’t necessarily good.
“I want X bad thing to happen”
“Hey, this guy wants X to happen. That’s bad.”
Wouldn’t it be worse to trap someone in a relationship that they aren’t enjoying? And isn’t it a sign that many women aren’t enjoying their marriage if they initiate 70% of divorces? We should look into why they aren’t happy, not force them to stay when they aren’t.