Travelling to the USA right now sounds absolutely insane. Like who would even consider it?
You get to the airport. Then you have to unlock your phone and let a random moron sift through its contents.
It’s literally a recipe for disaster/arrest. The cops over there are fucking deranged. Sorry for any good ones. But you’re like the 1%. Police brutality in the USA is shocking to Europeans. I would be scared to be pulled over. Am I getting a ticket or a headshot/arrested for years?
Also I could imagine that if you refuse to unlock the phone, you’ll also be arrested. And by „I could imagine“ I mean 100% sure.
They could plant anything in there or claim they found terroristic messages. No thanks.
The USA are like Russia and Iran now.
And to think that, as a teen, I actually dreamed of moving there. Good lord thanks mom and dad for telling me it’s a fucking stupid idea. I would regret it now.
Kill them while you’re at it.