Why do you assume everyone on this site is exactly the same? Is it that hard to grasp that there’s a spectrum of people who are at different stages in their lives with different amounts of money?
Also, how much do you think this cost? A bus billboard goes for what, $300-500 a month? Is it that crazy to imagine there are people here that don’t have that much free money?
Where do people that complain about not having enough money for everything all the time get the money to do this kind of stuff?
Seriously what gives?
Are only billionaires allowed to do propaganda?
Have you considered that the people who put up this ad may not be the same people that have no money?
What about disliking textbook fascism and blatant corruption is tripping you up here?
Yeah, you’re right. People should do nothing when they’re struggling. And struggling makes their opinions invalid.
Where do people with a billion dollars find the time to complain about their taxes being raised? Shouldn’t they be working?
Why do you assume everyone on this site is exactly the same? Is it that hard to grasp that there’s a spectrum of people who are at different stages in their lives with different amounts of money?
Also, how much do you think this cost? A bus billboard goes for what, $300-500 a month? Is it that crazy to imagine there are people here that don’t have that much free money?
Brandalism’s Subvertising manual [PDF]
Do you seriously think this “ad” would be approved by the company selling ad spaces?
You defended Musk’s sieg heil by posting a bunch of images of people waving didn’t you?