Let’s face it folks – if you’ve gotta live in a country going through chaos, you might as well have a bit of fun on the way down. One of the few things that perks me up each morning is seeing headlines like “Trump Supporters Worried About Losing Their Federal Jobs” or “Republican Voters Worried They Might Not Get Their Social Security Checks”. Well folks, when Trump was promising chaos in the run-up to the election, this is what he was talking about. All these federal departments getting turned over and eviscerated is exactly what he said he’d do. Supposedly, this is what you all wanted!

If you’re a multi-millionaire and you voted for Trump, I get it. It seems like a really good idea. If you’re working class, or even crazier, dependent on government aid, and you voted for Trump, holy crap… you were swindled.

I hope eventually our country gets back on the track to being sane. It’s a shame that it’s much, much, much easier to tear down things than it is to create them. I look forward to the mid-terms and I hope the Democrats get their heads out of their asses, because we could really use the help. In the meantime, I’ll be drinking up all those delicious “Trump supporter tears” and not feeling bad at all.

  • FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world
    7 days ago

    LOL, no.

    I want the US to succeed. I don’t give a fuck who’s in charge, and it’s exceedingly silly to me to watch people saying “I told you so” in this political climate, when the Democrats saw their coalition shrink considerably and you all need to find a way to get those votes back. You should have MORE empathy now, not less, even if only out of self-interest.

    • Lemminary@lemmy.world
      7 days ago

      I don’t see the Dems doing shit about anything, though. Do they really want them back? If so, where’s the plan?