Seen this on reddit and thought it was an interesting question that largely is not talked about.
It is largely an issue that gets sidelined and hidden because people don’t want to talk about it or accept that it exists. Hopefully this gets some traction to break that marginalisation.
Ask him for perspective at the same time. You’re still missing lots of of it.
As I have said multiple times already, yes.
Not in isolation, no.
Keep your strawman. I’ve never said that.
More strawmen from you. I don’t know who you’re arguing with but its not me. I haven’t said any of those things.
Cool, because I’ve never said that. That’s more strawmen.
I’ve mentioned nothing but the USA. I’ve said this already. Your introduction of countries outside the USA is yet another strawman.
I’m not talking about looking back in history for that analogy. I specifically mentioned both men were born at the same time (same age). John could have had kidney troubles because he lived near a coal plant for most of his life because thats the only real estate bank would let his parents buy (aka Redlining). So history affects what John is today, but you’re wanting to handwave away that Jim started live on 2nd base.
That’s part of how sexism works, but you’re missing the really key other parts.
Again, thats your strawman. I have multiple times recognized that men have issues.
Again with your strawman. I have said multiple times that men have issues, and that those issues should be addressed. However, they don’t get first dibs.
Oh god, you’re full redpill aren’t you. Men have had it easy for hundreds of years compared to women. Only now that men are facing a small part of the difficulties that women are still facing, you’re calling it an injustice.
I highly HIGHLY recommend you do some introspection. Learn some empathy for people that aren’t like you. You’re giving men a bad name. As a man myself, that negatively affects me too. Most of your arguments are with me. You’ve got so much strawman logic in your latest, I see no point in continuing. I won’t be replying anymore. I hope you have a nice day.
Oh great because you only seem capable of having your own conversation instead of talking about the original conversation.