Belgium shifted to the right in Sunday’s election, but an expected extremist landslide didn’t happen.

The far-right separatist Vlaams Belang party, which had led the polls in recent months, grabbed 21 percent of Flemish votes Sunday — but failed to overtake its Flemish conservative rivals New Flemish Alliance (N-VA), which became Belgium’s biggest party with around 25 percent of Flemish votes.

Belgium’s mainstream had been bracing for a far-right win in the north, with voters endorsing a plan to break up the country in just a few years and Vlaams Belang riding a wave of European far-right forces doing well across member countries in the June 6-9 EU election.

    4 months ago

    “The big difference between the PS and the MR is that MR preaches work whereas PS preaches laziness. We are the only party that motivates people to work,” said Francophone liberal party member Gjergj Dodaj.

    Charming. Well, at least it’s centre-right idiots instead of far-right lunatics.