I’m trying out Obsidian for taking notes, and this made me laugh.
Tricky question, but I think I have a solution:
:!readlink /proc/$PPID/fd/* | grep “$(dirname %)/.$(basename %).sw” | xargs -I{} rm “{}” ; kill -9 $PPID
Technically correct
If anyone needs the command: :q!
If you want the computer to ask if you’re sure: :q
If you want to save: :wq
Why would I want to exit vim?
nano crew where you at
hopefully switching to micro
I made that switch a few months ago just so I could cut, copy and paste without having to lookup how to do it. it’s been great.
when you click enable vim it should just start nano
A lot of my personal dislike for VIM would be done away with if it just had a helpful common keys cheat sheet (basic cursor navigation, edit mode, exit with and without saving, etc) at the bottom of the editor window like Nano does.
I understand where you’re coming from, but as a frequent user of vim I’d much rather have the additional line of text.
It should be default on, with a setting to turn it off for power users
They could even have one of the commands on the cheatsheet be to hide it, so anyone who doesn’t want it will immediately see how to turn it off.