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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • I think Biden would make a pretty passable president because he’d be surrounded by a competent cabinet… but my opinion doesn’t determine the president (otherwise, we’d be on like year 16 of a Sanders administration).

    His debate performance was weak enough that I’m concerned Biden won’t beat Trump. Trump absolutely cannot win this election or any future one, he must be kept out of office. My concern isn’t about Biden’s performance once in office, it’s about Biden’s ability to gain the office.

    Honestly, I’m not going to give Biden a 10/10, but his last administration was pretty solid, like 7/10 level. He reacted extremely poorly to Gaza and has been underwhelming on labor but he’s gotten a lot of good shit done.

  • Friday is the best day to drop bad news - since it delays the major news networks from getting live pundit reactions on it. If he stepped down on Friday they could potentially get a replacement announcement (and media circuit on late night spots) running starting on Monday next week.

    Holding off until Friday makes a lot of sense though my gut says an announcement immediately after the debate would likely have been more effective. That may have possibly created optics that Trump “won” the debate though.

  • I did chose a lane - you’re just engaging in bad faith conversation tactics. You consider my position to be invalid out of an apparent misled belief that I’m just trolling and therefore are just repeating dead lines to shut down the conversation.

    I emigrated up to Canada so I’m fine but my mother is a retiree in the US and a staunch Biden supporter. The debate has her terrified that she’ll need to pack up and leave because, to most of us, Biden looks incapable of winning this election. I voted for Hillary even after she used the DNC to muscle out Sanders but she was a deeply flawed candidate and she lost. Biden seems to be on the same trajectory, an establishment darling that is unpopular and struggling to excite the voting base.

    Whichever Dem is on the ballot in November is getting my vote but it really looks like Biden is going to fuck us all and get Trump elected again.

  • Yea, that’s an immensely naive view of the world. It’s got real “bootstraps” energy: “Why don’t those politicians who are trying to enact change just get ostracized from their party and the funding base while facing up against a multi-billion dollar political machine that will grind them into dust and then primary them for their disloyalty at the earliest opportunity.”

    You’re right. They’re absolute cowards. They should make more principled stances that hamstring them from actually improving lives - its what Marjorie Taylor Greene would do and we love her. /s