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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • I’m not going to put my foot on the scales for you.

    Fucking hell, that hits hard. I feel like so much of this current shit show can be traced back to the DNC’s full court push of Hillary. Winning against Trump should have been a fucking cake walk, but no, lets do this hard mode.

    🥲 indeed.

    People still were looking for more of the change that Obama campaigned on, and you intervene and force Bernie out for Hillary when Trump’s whole campaign was on radical change? What I wouldn’t give to know the truth behind that fuck up of a decision…

  • This man wants to do things that will make me and many people i love dead or suffering.

    I keep seeing this repeated. What stopped him his first term and where are the corpses of the dead he is responsible for? Legitimately, link me to shit.

    Likewise, if his side really were going for an overthrow of the government with the invasion of the senate building, why were there not more instances of gun violence? The republicans are more likely to own guns right? If they really wanted to overthrow shit, why didn’t they come strapped? If they came strapped, why was the only police death from a thrown fire extinguisher causing a brain bleed that killed the victim later that night?

    There’s shit that doesn’t add up all over the place, and it bothers me that no one discusses it because they seem afraid to touch anything that might challenge the narrative of Trump’s terribleness and Biden needing to be infallible to win. Trump is more than reprehensible enough without hyperbole.

  • Man, I’d hate to see an IT department you were in charge of.

    I may be completely off the mark, but I’m pretty sure that Intune device management doesn’t allow you to push arbitrary APKs out to managed Android devices. There would still also be the issue of getting the device managed to start with.

    Microsoft isn’t about to roll out their own version of the Play Store just to serve APKs to their Chinese employees.

    They also are not going to try and manage rolling out updates to whatever cluster mess of different android devices those employees use, tracking update compliance, etc

    Any other solution to this involves considerable extra work for their internal IT team(s). Easier to just force everyone needing access to corporate devices to use a single standard (and buy company phones for the few who raise a stink).

  • I think it also has to do with how previous generations established what they considered trustworthy or not.

    Most of the time, the only way to confirm information would be to go to the library and look it up. Most people weren’t taking the time to do that for every little factoid, especially ones that had no direct effect on their lives.

    So if Jim who has a cousin who works in construction said that Mexicans were undercutting the expected pay for construction laborers, picking up all the jobs they could, and out performing their peers… well that’s first hand information from someone who would know (by way of the game of telephone).

    And that doesn’t effect them directly in any way, so it’s not being blasted to the whole world. You may never know they have this belief.

    Now they see Jim on Facebook sharing some article. Well, Jim wouldn’t share it unless he was sure it was true. I mean, his cousin works in construction. Combine that with sensational headlines to maximize clicks and now you go from racist belief that immigrants are industrious to “illegal immigrants are stealing our jobs”!

    Plus, spreading the word can be done in a single click, regardless of relevance to any conversation.

    So you combine the idea of “that person knows what they’re talking about” with sensationalism mills and how damn easy it is to blast your stupid ideas out to the world with the idea that you’e just letting people know, and I think you very easily end up here.