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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • This depends on the area of medical device. I work in medical device but totally different from this, mine get implanted into your body.

    1. I doubt many people have the knowledge to to truly troubleshoot our devices beyond what the doctor is allowed to do. We need a bunch of expensive and specialized hardware to troubleshoot.

    2. We are legally required to investigate and report any complaints(https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfmaude/search.cfm) . If we don’t get the complaint we can’t investigate and report it.

    3. If a certain number(honestly I don’t know the specific number) of complaints occur we are legally required to create a corrective action to help the patients immediately (or as soon as possible) and a preventive action to ensure it doesn’t effect other patients. If a person has an issue and “repaired” it themselves they don’t get counted in this and as such could cause more patients to suffer.

    While I agree with right to repair I think certain things should be exempt. That said then there should be a requirement of the manufacturer to ivestigate/repair the equipment.

  • When I was younger my mom had cats(started normal 1 or 2, got insane… Highest number I remember is 37 but now she has 0). One cat was a hunter through and through. Basically there was a hall way that ended in the kitchen and my room was the first door from the kitchen. I was sitting at my computer desk, the cat was on top of the fridge. The cat jumped up the fridge, hit ground, jumped again reached my door frame, backfliped off it, caught a fly in it’s front paws, landed, ate fly, looked at me like “aren’t you impressed?”

    Another time… Same cat actually… Another cat had a litter of kittens(old enough to walk and see etc but still kittens)… Hunter jumps in my living room window with a live chipmunk. Puts it down and calls the kittens. The basically encircle the chipmunk and the hunter removes its paw and steps back. Nothing happens. Chipmunk is terrified. One kitten walks up and swats it. Chipmunk runs. Hunter chases, grabs it and brings it back to the circle. This cycle repeats until the kittens have a good idea as to how to attack pray. Hunter kills chipmunk, at which point I intervene and put it outside. It’s was like watching a savage show but it was also just nature playing course. Honestly really interesting… Not idolizing the violence and death but the watching one animal teach its family how to hunt and eat.

  • I do this alot but I alway follow up with “Do you know what blah is?” and depending on age/experience/acronym or term I ask them to explain it.

    Sometimes I get assigned work with a senior engineer(where I learn) and sometimes I get asked to help a new person. For example right now I’m in a project being driven by a senior engineer but was asked to assist a professional development program employee(or pdp) to actually execute the project. As a result this is the habit I developed to 1. Make sure I don’t confuse people with random acronyms or terms 2. Ensure we are on the same regarding definition(and they are not just saying yes I know when they don’t).

  • I decided to move out of my mother’s house. I found a place to rent, it was 1.7 miles from my job. It was just a room in a house but it was good enough. I decided to take it and called the owner.

    We met at 5:00 at the panera bread after I got out of work. I signed my first ever real contract. It was my first big boy official legally binding contract.

    Next day I go to work all excited and telling everyone about it. I hear there is a all employee meeting. Then all contractors get sent home early. I go to the meeting…

    They announce they are closing the facility. Everyone will be let go. If we want to move to the new location we will be given priority otherwise it was nice to work with us.

    Less than 24 hours after signing a legally binding contract I was going to be jobless.

    Eventually I agreed to move. I have grown in my career. I live with my girlfriend who I met her. I still work with the same company.

    Overall it’s a improvement over my previous experience and it was 9 years ago…

  • I tend to recommend a 3 year cycle. Year 1 upgrade peripherals (speakers, monitors, maybe chair, keyboard, mouse etc) year 2. Upgrade video card and hard drives. year 3. Upgrade motherboard, ram and cpu. Year 4 repeat year 1

    With this you can you can do 95% of the latest stuff with “good” stuff (think XX70 cards rather then 80 or 90 series) since you are never that outdated on any portion.

  • Partially I agree with “official acts” being above the law. For example certain judges can order someone to be killed and not fave murder charges… If I order my neighbor to be killed, I get murder charges. That “official act” is above the law. We granted those judges that right. Cops can break speed limits when chasing criminals. Again that’s an official act and should be above the law.

    Now the concern comes from who declares an action “official”.

    A judge can’t say Rob a bank and declare it an official act. A police officer can’t distribute child porn and declare it an official act.

  • Hold up… You thought maybe you downloaded malware (which in this case that was not the only cause) so you took it upon yourself to reinstall windows on a company issued laptop?

    1. Why are you trying to fix it? Submit It ticket and it’s their problem.

    2. If you suspect malware alert it security immediately. Many malware act as a gateway to lock other systems. Yes you might get in trouble but I’d rather be yelled at for downloading something then yelled at for infecting my company servers will ransomware/malware.

    3. Atleast in my company a computer connecting without a company supplied image of windows will be denied. Completely understand you not connecting to the internet.

    4. This problem was not caused by you but could of been… Take this as a lesson to be more proactive in the future.