Where can a civilian get a good bulletproof vest?
Where can a civilian get a good bulletproof vest?
Rest assured that I have other valuable and relevant skills.
Not sure I’d pass the background check for that in CA. Years ago I had an unfortunate reaction to a new medication, suffered hallucinations from it, and was involuntarily committed for a few days (I was fully out of it) while I recovered. It’s all documented.
Huh? That other person seems calm and respectful too. What do you mean?
What will that do and how will it help all of the people in her same position?
Where are they being detained and tortured again?
Saw an article today about a French scientist who was denied entry to the US after their phone was searched and texts critical of Trump were found.
You’re getting downvoted but it’s important that we remember this. She’s hot, she’s white, she’s an actress. She said herself she thinks it’s thanks to her friends and family working with the media that she got released at all. I bet she’d agree with you that being white played into her favor here.
Think about all the people who don’t have those types of resources or public empathy points. We have no idea who is actually locked up right now or what will happen to them.
You have a lot of catching up to do. Good luck.
No. The biggest mainstream players in social media are all already aligned with the current administration. Meta et al. would be the ones to be available for free, and alternatives will be paywalled.
Found it, thank you!
It’s part of the strategy – publicly condemn people as being the type of person that is easy to hate so that there is support for the punishment.
If he started disappearing people without giving any reason, his supporters would be more likely to take note of that and question him. “Violent criminals and terrorists” on the other hand, that the people can get behind, apparently without question.
Glad you can see it that way. Even your average liberal agrees that deporting violent criminals is a good idea – what we oppose is the idea that the government can accuse anyone of being a violent criminal without evidence, punish them without scrutiny, and even make them disappear.
Not all 341 million are required, but other than that, yes, successful protests and other forms of resistance have always been about people “all agreeing to do the same thing.”
History is your friend here.
What you are missing about why we are actually enraged is the complete lack of evidence of their crimes or any kind of due process. Everybody deserves to be heard by the court.
Even if you don’t care about immigrants, you should realize that if they can be targeted and punished without evidence, then you can be too.
How do you find it? I don’t see an app called SafetyCore on my phone
There’s a pretty easy out for someone determined to believe in this stuff: their own act of prayer itself was part of God’s plan.
Also, these types of theists usually justify these outwardly incompatible beliefs with a distinction between “true” free will and the “perception” of free will. In some people’s deterministic view, while God has this omniscient perspective that spans all of space and time, the human perspective is one of the impression of freedom, a sense that feels so real that you might as well call it it simply “free will”.
I mean that’s just not true. I thought everyone learned about how WWII offered women the opportunity to join the workforce in mass numbers for the first time because of the crucial roles that were left open by the men who were off to fight. That’s what sparked the transition toward women’s right to work at all. Before that, there was no such right. Unless you are counting cooking and cleaning at home, or tending the family farm, as “work”, but I don’t believe that’s what people mean when we are referring to “a woman’s right to work”.