You wouldn’t download a torrent
You wouldn’t download a torrent
Ah, pardon my misunderstanding. I thought the two paragraphs weren’t related.
I know this isn’t necessarily helpful, but 404media has an account wall, not a paywall. You authenticate by email without a password.
Get them a magic painting book.
They are black and white illustrations that have the ink in the black parts. The kid takes a brush with some water and scribbles to create color. It’s just perfect for that age, and it’s not more junk that the parents need to collect.
Source: have toddler under two and friends with babies that just turned 2.
My wife calls these her “high games”:
Used to be you could make a Lemmy comment explaining how something doesn’t meet your values without some guy going 'round the thread saying, “kids these days, all so sensitive! Whatever happened to not being offended!” When did this happen? I swear it was recently.
Trending posts is not a recommendation algorithm, in my opinion. I think the slope stops at curation (interests-based algorithms targeted at specific users).
I.e. reddit homepage is now curated, Lemmy sorting methods are not.
1 or 2, watch tonnes of porn
Russian alcoholic drawing on lemmy
I can’t believe all the warning signs
There are also nasal sprays that are supposed to aid in the blocking of respiratory viruses. Pair that with a mask. Breath as slowly as possible (no gasps, laughs, or yawns) and only through your nose.