A fridge and dishwasher! Food safety is such a huge contribution to our health
A fridge and dishwasher! Food safety is such a huge contribution to our health
Headlights definitely need more regulation but this issue is very amplified in SUVs which are much underregulated. They have mismatched bumper heights to other cars causing more damage, they drag pedestrians underneath causing more injuries. I personally see no point for modern SUVs existing at all, but let’s at least make sure they are safe on roads.
120 Celsius is still fairly low for baking
As I understand this “question by proxy” can be even more effective because people are less likely to lie about Musk than about their political views
That’s kind of a paradox - we can’t stop reporting actions of assholes like him because they do things borderline dangerous to society, but that exact reporting gives them the popularity to do all that
Doesn’t frequent cleaning of sinuses cause irritation? I believe healthy sinuses should be mostly self cleaning. Of course if you have some long-term condition then it’s different
SearXNG is also amazing. The only reason I don’t use it more is because it doesn’t have an integration into the URL bar in Firefox.
One more advantage is that you now have the full process well documented (via code) and if you realize some change is needed you can repeat the task quickly.
I do know from experience that networks are complicated and users are dumb, but I still think that if someone with barely any knowledge and without malicious intent can mess with your network then something’s wrong with the setup.
But if the bio or art major can seriously affect your network then is that even their fault? What if someone had skill and malicious intent?
If someone deploys their router using a uni network as wan then I don’t see how that could affect other uni network users? I can imagine some internal services might not work behind such a router but it would be illogical of the user to blame anyone but themselves.
Can you give some examples of issues you mention?
I don’t see a monospaced version anyway
You probably mean “special interest”. Simplifying, hyperfixation is such a strong fixation on something that you absolutely can’t think about anything else.
Ship of Theseus
Believe it or not a lot of people here (including me) had no knowledge about that issue before this announcement was posted.
And my comment is referring to one very specific “thread” from your comment. Yes, you’re discussing other issues in your comment, but they’re at best only vaguely related to that first sentence.
Try reading some current information on it.
Oh no no no, we don’t play that game here. If you’re trying to convince someone of your argument, the burden of providing reputable and scientifically accurate evidence is on YOU and you only.
And only if the other side won’t accept scientific evidence then you can blame them.
I’m not saying cats can’t be vegan but to the best of my knowledge their diet must be meat based. As it is you who are trying to convince me (and others) cats can be vegan, it is also you who must provide the evidence.
I understand and agree with your attitude to buying a car on credit. Two semi-objective justifications I can see are safety and quality-of-life.
Newer and better cars are safer, and you might not have even a minor collision throughout the whole lifetime of the car, but the (hopefully never) day a crash happens you’ll be forever grateful to yourself you bought this car. And if you have some “smart” assistants on-board those actually can make you not end up in the accident.
From my experience I have realized that (within reasonable bounds) if spending more on something results in substantiality higher quality-of-life then it’s a money well spent. Because you end up being happier, calmer and actually more productive if you don’t have to waste your energy on inconvenient things.
Not sure if that makes you feel any better…
the fuckup in redefining the mole in 2019
What? It was necessary due to our observations of the universe (on every scale), not some arbitrary “fuckup”
Wireless communications radiation physically cannot cause increased mutation rates and this is quite well studied. Wireless communication operates on frequencies (for the most part) below 10GHz, which has wavelengths measured in centimeters and meters. The biggest wave that can impact human DNA is UV which has wavelengths measured in nanometers - orders of magnitude of difference. So no, wireless communications are super unlikely to impact cancer rates.