Megagermans vs milligermans
Canadian, sysadmin, trans rights are human rights, puncha-the-nazis, cats are pretty great, GNU Terry Pratchett.
Megagermans vs milligermans
I work for a Canadian university library and I assure you that data archival efforts are proceeding apace. I can’t really say more without possibly endangering American colleagues.
The American beer you get in Canada is terrible. Budweiser and Miller and shit like that. American beer at an American pub was great, when I last visited.
I wonder if Costco stock is a good buy right now. Currently $937 up from $300 in 2020. A P/E of 55, with 0.5% annual dividends paid quarterly.
With the new risk of being targeted by MAGAs for a boycott, I could see that being a problem. I don’t think Costco’s survival as a corporation depends on its stock. They do stock buybacks, which is going to be artificially inflating the price a bit.
If it drops significantly, I could see it being worth the pickup. Maybe I’ll sell some long put options.
Nah. I’ll die on that particular hill.
You forgot to end your sentence with ‘lol’. At least be consistent with your bad English.
That image is 100% the academic quadrangle at Simon Fraser University. Hah.
Just a small nit, I would say ‘much’ cheaper or ‘dramatically’ cheaper. Exponential refers to rate od change, not magnitude of change. Something increasing by 10% a year is exponentially increasing, something that’s just gotten bigger could be increasing linearly or not at all.
For clarity I use semi for 2x a period and bi for every two periods. I think everyone should. :)
I make sourdough bread biweekly-ish. Freezing it (after it’s had a 24-36 hour curing period) is fine. Toasts right back up.
Swearing an oath “in vain” is not allowed. Ie, don’t swear in the holy name and then go back on your word. As I understand it. That would be the mortal sin.
I put it in the “teddy bear” category. If we see people with a teddy bear at the carnival, we’ll try the games
Spam us with getrich quick schemes and we fall in line…
I’m okay with it as long as it’s not locked to the exclusive use of one entity.
Bíum bíum bambaló, Icelandic song. Lullaby.
Yeah. This is a plot point used in a few stories, eg Carl Sagan’s “Contact”
F off, cleanshirt!
“The avalanche has started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote.”
“Cake” in “let them eat cake” is “brioche”. I had thought that cake meant cheap chemically leavened bread-ish, but it actually was an out of touch elite being genuinely confused about bread shortages, not someone callously suggesting the peasants eat shittier food.
Also it probably wasn’t Marie Antoinette.
A bit silly. I picked up the Holy Mightstone quest item on my WoW paladin in like 2005, and decided to save it to use, someday, to get some RP revenge on Arthas. I held on to it until facing him down I’m WotLKs Icecrown Citadel raid, and used it on our first boss attempt. I want to say that was 7 years but I can’t be arsed to look it up.
Immediately wiped, of course, but winning was never the point.