Admiral Patrick

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I also develop Tesseract UI for Lemmy/Sublinks

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • Remember when a year before the election was too early to nominate a supreme court Justice, but later it was totally cool to jam one through during the election.

    Pepperidge Farm Admiral Patrick remembers.

    That also can be fixed by my “get out and vote” + “vote for people who aren’t part of the problem”. Both of those supreme court seats were stolen by Mitch “Fucking Hypocrite/Dirty Bastard” McConnell** whose reptilian fingerprints are all over that mockery of our constitution.

    SC justices can be impeached and removed, but there need to be enough in Congress who aren’t in on the plan to make that happen. Again, get out and vote for people who aren’t part of the problem. Tell your friends, too, lol.

    ** Reptilian because he looks like a cartoon turtle; I don’t believe in lizard people lol

  • I’m getting tired of hearing these “Why doesn’t Biden just be a despot to stop another despot?” knee-jerk takes. Even as a joke, it’s not helping. Once you stoop to your enemy’s level, is there a difference anymore? Think about the kind of precedent that sets. As a country, can you even come back from that? We’d be trading one very dark path for another.

    We have a system of checks and balances that can be used, assuming we elect people who aren’t part of the problem.

    People need to get the fuck out and vote. Every election, every office, school board seat, dogcatcher, etc. Got friends who don’t vote? Try to get at least one of them to. Yeah, gerrymandering exists but it doesn’t hold a candle to voter apathy when it comes to damage done.

    Glad to know I’m getting downvoted because I don’t support becoming the very thing we’re supposedly fighting against.

  • i love how everyone wants to regulate this dangerous thing

    What wonderland do you live in? lol. I want to go to there.

    Fireworks used to be heavily regulated in my area, but in recent years, you can basically get anything short of a stick of dynamite from any of the hundreds of pop-up tents that set up in shopping plaza parking lots every June 1.

    I don’t get a good night’s sleep from mid-June through September because of neighborhood kids setting the damn things off every night until 2 - 2:30 AM.

  • His wretched kids have never needed a pardon, though, right? They’ve just been investigated and/or asked to testify, but nothing that would require a pardon. I guess he could have tried preemptively pardoning them, but I don’t think it ever got that far for any of them.

    Cohen identified Trump (aka Individual-1) when he was on trial for fraud re: the hush money payments (which led to the 34 felonies Trump was just convicted of). Trump is definitely not going to pardon him after that.