Wow what a brave resistances to le evil drumpf, thank you Mr presidents!!! Sounds of deep throating ex presidential weiners
If you’re snooping my profile because I made you mad, you got played my friend 👋 😂
Wow what a brave resistances to le evil drumpf, thank you Mr presidents!!! Sounds of deep throating ex presidential weiners
Can’t wait to catch giga measles from some disgusting slop hog of a parent, who caught it from their disgusting mole rat of a kid, who caught it at the disgusting cess pit of a school. I’m going to cut my head off on the razor wire fence
Isn’t that standard process when booking inmates
That’s nice can we get some protection for anything here on earth? Don’t give a fuck about some moon shit there’s no one there. Call me when they find dudes living on the moon, then I’ll fuckin care
Saying this hurts your argument dude like what kinda freak says that shit?
Lmaooo these dingos think Kim jong un will holler at them if they suck his e-weiner enough
Real talk, how is stupid any less ableist than retard? Same meaning, same origin. It’s like telling people to stop calling black people n-words, call them coons instead. Pretty silly imo!
Oh that’s fucked up then, rip