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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2024

  • IANAL, but from what I read regarding Yuzu / the title and prod keys / etc., is Nintendo’s argument is three-fold – the only way to obtain those keys is to use a tool that itself is a violation of the DMCA, use of those keys by an emulator to decrypt Nintendo’s protected content in a method outside of Nintendo’s authorized use is a violation of DMCA even if the keys aren’t provided in the emulator, and there is no legitimate use of those keys except to circumvent controls intended to protect copyright.

    Therefore, by their argument, any emulator that can use those keys would effectively be subject to DMCA even if you had to bring your own keys, because unless the emulator only ran homebrew or completely decrypted content and had absolutely no decryption capabilities, you’d still be using the prod keys and title keys to decrypt content in violation of the DMCA in order to execute it. So, the tool that dumps the keys is a DMCA violation and any emulator that uses those keys to decrypt protected content in order to execute it is a DMCA violation, and Nintendo has a strong case that the actual keys themselves are only useful for making unauthorized copies of content that bypass the encryption that exists to prevent it.

    It stands to reason that a clean-room developed Switch emulator that required all content it ran to be decrypted prior to being able to run it may be able to exist without Nintendo shitting it into non-existance, since Nintendo couldn’t make any argument that the primary use was a DMCA violation as no encryption would be being bypassed by the emulator. They’d probably then go after whoever made the tool to dump the games, but they’d probably be less successful.

    On the other hand, the pragmatist in me says that unless I was 500% sure of my online anonymity, I wouldn’t want to pick a fight with Nintendo – even if I thought I was right. They have enough money to lock someone up in legal battles for a very long time and most independent developers wouldn’t have anywhere near the finances required to bankroll appropriate defense counsel. Can’t say I’d blame people for not wanting to invite that hellscape into their lives.

  • He doesn’t intend to win this election by votes, he intends to win this election through actions like this.

    Johnson will refuse to certify the results of the election that put Democrats in the House, claiming some kind of bullshit irregularities with no proof, leaving the House controlled by the Republicans. They’ll then claim irregularities in the presidential election and force a contingent election where they have a 100% chance of electing Trump no matter what the public votes.

    More people need to be made aware that this is 100% legal for them to do (this is a perfect example of them making it even MORE legal to completely subvert election certification in a battleground state with no proof), and more people need to be aware that it is almost certainly what they will try. The only thing that can possibly stop it is significant awareness by the mass population of Americans and significant publicity (similar to how mass awareness of Project 2025 turned it into a poison pill).

  • IDK, have you tried to copy files over USB-C/USB 3.0 to a phone? I similarly thought it was going to be much faster than it actually is, but it’s still mind bogglingly slow using MTP – especially with file creation operations. Want to move 5,000 small text files totalling 20MB? You’ll be there for 8 hours, haha.

    In my experience ADB is significantly faster than a cable (even USB-C+3.0), even when ADB is connected wirelessly. I typically get 20MBps-40MBps using ADB regardless of whether I’m writing large files or a bunch of small files, where at best I will (and a cursory google search sems to indicate most people will) see 8MBps-10MBps over the cable for large files, and when I’m copying small files (e.g., game roms for ScummVM or something), I will get maybe 1Mbps at the top end. Results are consistent between computers I use to copy, cables I use to copy, and phones I’ve copied data to.

    I’m honestly surprised that in 2024 copying data to a brand new flagship phone using a USB cable is as poor of an experience as it is.

  • Repeat after me:

    Polls are bullshit. Polls have always been bullshit. Polls only real impact is to allow people to manipulate statistics to lull voters in a false sense of confidence or security in order to stop them from voting.

    Ignore the polls, especially the polls that say your side is winning or the other side is losing. Polls are a very, very effective way to convince voters to stay home without ever asking them or telling them to stay home.

  • On top of that, one of the biggest problems with climate change is that us as individual citizens have absolutely no control over it no matter how many people try and guilt us into taking action.

    No amount of individuals recycling, driving less or with a more efficient vehicle or with an electric car, or drinking less water is going to change the fact that container ships, factories, manufacturing facilities, cruise ships, private jets, etc. belch more pollutants into the atmosphere by so many orders of magnitude that anything we can do as individuals is completely and utterly inconsequential in comparison.

    Me recycling my plastic doesn’t mean shit and it never will. Same with me driving an electric car vs. a gas powered car, hell even me driving a car with good fuel economy vs one that has bad fuel economy. Cargo shipping is responsible for more than 20% of the greenhouse gas emissions in the world while passenger automobiles are responsible for 5%-7% at most based on recent estimates. If every single person in the world stopped driving fossil-fuel powered cars and moved entirely to renewable fuel sources for their transportation, it would still be a drop in the bucket – and that’s never going to happen.

    But the media keeps pointing the shotgun at everyday citizens like it’s our fault that cruise ships belch shit into the atmosphere when we haven’t been on a cruise in 10 years, or it’s our fault that the shipping industry refuses to use more ecological and eco-friendly fuel sources.

    Tell me more about how me as a single person recycling is gonna save the world, lol.