Why would you bring any on your own when he can get what he prepared eaten? You’ll better off bringing people. The cheese won’t be eating itself.
Vache de carnaval marine, je parle néanmoins portugais comme une vache espagnole.
Profil picture taken by Lynn Wu (according to the internet)
Why would you bring any on your own when he can get what he prepared eaten? You’ll better off bringing people. The cheese won’t be eating itself.
Drop the alcool and I might join you. You could be in charge of some sort of Lemmy meeting.
My bad. In my language we make the distinction btw semolina (coasted powder) and flour (soft and thin powder). What I would called flour-based pasta will have a very different texture from what I would called semolina pasta.
It looks like semolina pasta to me.
Me frequently accidentally finding myself in the men isles after finally finding a top with a high neckline.
It start to look like a plan.