• 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Over all I upvote posts if its something I would like to know about.

    In this case its good to know that there was some limit issue that (as on the page say) is already resolved.

    If it was intentionally done or not we will never know, but its good to know if it would happen again that there is some limit.

    I upvote because:

    • even if it was some wrongly implemented limit in this case, the shadow banning/hidding posts (or like in this case blocking follow) will happen in the future on all large platforms, it’s human nature to abuse it if you can get away with it
    • I dont like big central platforms, I rather would like to have a transparent/open platform but I know it will never happen as servers costs money and people like “free” and convenient stuff so platforma will keep monetizing people activity
    • if it could be even slightly true I rather have as many (affected) people know about it that there was an issue with follow and now it is resolved so they can retry to follow

  • Looks like the installer and grub is confused about the hard drive order different in instaler and different while booting, both those drives could also have the same partition/drive ID making it confused, that could happen if you cloned/copied the drive in the past

    I would say as a easy and safe solution

    1. unplug all other drives that you don’t want install linux
    2. Install Linux (best by formatting whole drive) - it should work just fine at this point
    3. After confirming everything works - connect the other drives back
    4. If Linux no longer boots after adding drives then tweak disk boot order in BIOS