Happy, yes. Stinky, also yes.
Happy, yes. Stinky, also yes.
I get mine in bulk at Costco so I never run out
Is this related to the doomsday iceberg that recently broke free? Basically the giant cork holding back the entire ice sheet?
Very interesting, I did not know that! Cool stuff
No? Wasn’t aware I needed to police my tone in a discussion about apple butter. The person I wrote it to seemed to really like it, so I was sorry they went so long not noticing it is, in fact, everywhere. I’m not sure exactly what part of my comment is setting people off, but it’s cool I guess.
Trader Joe’s has some fire freezer pancakes
I can literally go to any diner around me and there will be individually packaged containers of apple butter, usually next to whatever little packages of jelly they have on offer. I’m sorry you’ve suffered without for so long not noticing them
Buffalo…sauce? Buffalo, New York? Buffalo the ungulate? I am confused
Having been here since July of last year, there definitely are. The demographics skew towards older tech bro types, in my experience.
(They are, that’s why everyone gets bent out of shape when boomers are criticized here)
Don’t kid yourself, bud.
–Lifetime Southerner
Sure, there are those parents. And there are a lot of parents like the ones in the article. Saying it isn’t so and covering your ears doesn’t change the fact that this is an experience a lot of people are having.
We won’t have it directly because the boomers have decided consistently across the decades to leave younger generations with nothing. This is just the latest version of that, except now they’re doing it directly to their own children and yeah, it can smart. It’s valid to express frustration at a generation that was handed everything, is leaving nothing, and now they’re doing it in a more personal way.
Every other generation before and after them seem to be on the same page as far as accumulating enough to leave for the next generation so they can have better lives than you had. But not the Boomers, never them. They’re going to get theirs and they deserve to have ALL of it. The next gen can earn their own way just like they had to, after all. Even though they voted away all opportunities to do that, and passing along generational wealth has always been a big key to any kind of success.
Sexism will do that
Again, not according to the meme as posted. Kinda my point.
They need to hire people for that. Hope it won’t be someone they fucked over too badly.
Just want to plug the movie and book How to Blow Up a Pipeline. Also the book Rattling the Cages.
That may be hard, seeing as all AIs use ungodly amounts of electricity. So I’d say they all worsen the world.