• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2023


  • I am grieving hard, and grief includes a lot of different feelings and experiences. Yes, there is depression, but there is also anger and reflection and the chance to find joy amidst the horror. My priorities have changed. I used to want to leave a legacy for the next generation; now I want to live in defiance of the evils that have ravaged our beautiful planet. Fuck billionaires, politicians, and cowardly centrist news outlets. Fuck them in perpetuity, until they rot away in their apocalypse bunkers. I will burn bright and hot to the end–that will be my legacy.

  • Thank you for this, I’ve been thinking a lot about this recently. “Pushing” is almost always a violation of consent, unless it’s a fun consensual thing like pushing a child on a swing. Applying force to an autonomous creature to make it do something (be that a person or a donkey or whatever) is not something that should be normalized, yet here we are. I think there are times when pushing may be justified under the circumstances (e.g., pushing someone out of the way of a moving vehicle), but there should be a check-in and repair process afterward when that happens.

    This is not a consensual world we live in, and we violate our own consent all the time, but I think we can be more accountable to ourselves when we do that. When I push myself to go to work in the morning, I try to check in and remind myself that the entire system of wage slavery is not okay; that we do this to survive, not because it’s good or normal. When it comes to things I have more control over, like diet, exercise, socializing, etc., I try to always invite myself to do things, provide the encouragement and support needed to do them, and be understanding about the very real reasons why the invitation sometimes gets declined. Being patient and thoughtful with myself about things is working soooo much better than pushing myself ever did.