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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I’m still amazed judges are so clearly divided into groups. I consider being a judge to require a degree of impartiality and authority that anyone clearly identifying as democratic or republican should be disqualified for. Democratic perhaps not since their more centric than left leaning or far left :/. Point being the one occupation that mandates impartiality is highly politicised. Of course everything is f*cked. The rule of law is not dictated by the majority or enforced by the trustworthy.

  • Honestly, too much content not enough time. That and I think a lot of what’s available now isn’t as good as it used to be (I realise that’s probably nostalgia more than anything else). I read manga a lot more now. I find it easier to do, and it generally gets to the point a lot quicker than anime. There’s also a lot more great manga than there is great anime simply because it’s cheaper to make and distribute and less prone to padding things out to reach a predefined length. Vagabond for example would be the best anime ever… if any studio could adapt it. I watch more western live action stuff, it’s cookie cutter at times but easier to consume while focusing on other things (since it’s English, Japanese anime I need to actively focus on subs (I wont dignify dubbed with a mention XD)). I used to watch j-dramas but dropped that now as well as I find it hard to find stuff that interests me. I’ve watched a couple k-dramas just cause I find them a refreshing change of pace.

    I will say now I’m an adult its really hard to find the time to just stop and watch things. I legit miss burning through all my afternoons watching naruto and the chunin exam or the pain arc. That sh*t defined my childhood and I’ll always love it, even if I’m not liable to do it again soon.