What this fuck is this even. Not a single coherent sentence spoken, I wouldn’t say you can even call this a conversation, just unintelligible babbling from both sides.
What this fuck is this even. Not a single coherent sentence spoken, I wouldn’t say you can even call this a conversation, just unintelligible babbling from both sides.
It’s segregated to lemmynsfw.com, which most instances don’t federate with
A worker at an intelligence agency says unidentified outside staffers arrived to sweep the office of anything they felt was related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, a target of a Trump executive order. That included a plaque, confiscated from a supervisor’s desk, that read, “Be kind to everyone.”
Laughing my ass off
I wouldn’t say Marxism is incompatible with dualism for example, yes Marx heavily focuses on the material struggle, but interpreting the theory in a dualist sense doesn’t really change its implications. Wealth really matters because of the way it makes us feel, the experiences it enables, not because of some inherent value. If being poor didn’t feel bad, nobody would have a problem with it.
The fact that this man is a father is sad
Why is killing people wrong, but ok in war? Why do we still kill animals even though we know it’s wrong? Why is killing wrong in the first place? I bet you can’t find a single rational reason. That is because ethics isn’t based on reason, but instead on emotion. Given that, I don’t find it very surprising that it’s often very hypocritical.
Well, they don’t actually sequence your genome, afaik its a SNPchip type of thing, so only some select polymorphisms, probably not much useful data, especially if the stolen data was already processed results.