No but you don’t understand, this will bring America back to the times that it was so great. You know, the wild west and native American times, when they had no electricity and nothing but lumber… /s
No but you don’t understand, this will bring America back to the times that it was so great. You know, the wild west and native American times, when they had no electricity and nothing but lumber… /s
New boss of Child protective services…
Lol maybe all the people he’s trying to get rid of should do this, just say “no lol” and stay. Let’s see what happens then.
I really don’t understand what’s happened to him, he seemed like a decent guy when Biden got elected and now he’s insanely MAGA all of a sudden? I thought he had morals and decency, guess I thought wrong. Almost no politician has those.
I was just referring to Jeb Bush as being the most cringe president(ial candidate) so far, Elon would be so much worse though.
Man can you imagine Elon as a president? Jeb Bush was cringe but Elon would hit cringe and awkward levels off the charts…
Well, time for everyone to put support for Israel in their bio and start sieg heiling around Jerusalem, see how long it takes before double standards are applied…
Do you really think it’s likely this will happen? I think hell just start throwing a tantrum and maybe symbolically apply some tariffs.
And they’ll even say sorry for it because they consider it “impolite” and “not done” to talk back to the sitting government or some shit.
Surprise surprise. Good thing Trump dragged out those poor poor families of the Israeli’s whose familiy members were kidnapped on stage to then monologue for 20 minutes about other shit…
Lol that’s pretty funny. Of course that’s something Elon would get mad about, an online dick measuring contest…
I feel like Michigan is a bit too swingy for that, they went red again (by a small margin) last election. I would really like it tho, it would make visiting my in-laws feel a bit less daunting.
Deservedly so. No-fly zones exist for a reason and many, many people just don’t care about that stuff. Where I live there’s a lot of them and I regularly see people fly drones there.
I wish they were more strict about fining people here as well, we have an ambulance chopper stationed close by and I don’t even want to imagine it colliding with a drone and crashing in a densely populated neighborhood.
Like I said in another comment, Cinnamontoastken is one of them. Other ones (with varied levels of “hiding their messaging”) would be:
I’m sure there’s others but those were the ones I remember the most.
Edit: I just remembered another one, Asmongold. He’s close to being the worst one. He hides his opinions behind reaction content and video games, always acts like he’s a “neutral fencesitter” but deep down loves it that Trump won again and was full-on conspiracy clowning about covid vaccines and the election being “stolen”.
Yeah it’s honestly insane how much of it there is. Even channels that appear to be completely innocent at first can suddenly start veering in this direction. I remember watching someone like CinnamonToastKen when I was younger and it always used to be very generic fun for everyone content. But the last few years I started catching on to him saying more and more right leaning, conspiracy theory type stuff.
He made comments about the US (where he no longer even lives) keeps giving money to Ukraine instead of fixing their own problems, the “stolen election” and of course about Trump winning again. I really don’t understand why you have to make statements like that, you (on average) alienate about half of your audience by saying stuff like that. But oh well, a quick unsub and moving on.
This could have been me. For the longest time I was watching right wing YT channels without really realizing it because they were hiding their messaging well under legitimate critique of the movies and shows I was no longer enjoying. My girlfriend and I got into multiple arguments over this and I could tell that this was something we’d never agree on, which makes sense of course. Eventually I managed to pull myself out by unsubscribing from these channels ocne the messaging became a lot more clear (around 2021, you can probably guess why) and since then things have been much better between us and in general.
Didnt some journalist quit because he made satire of besos and besos being the owner of the media company didnt let it get published? Thats the reality satire faces today.
That’s because that cartoon she made was literally the truth of what’s happening behind the scenes in the white house. It moved from satire into reality and that was too much for Bezos and his wealth villain buddies.
Wow that’s pretty crazy, what does that equate to amount wise on a daily basis?
I’d like to believe he started off with good intentions (might just be bias based on media coverage from before) and slowly turn to the dark side. It’s crazy what money (and the promise of influence) does to a narcissist.
Kanye getting the “house of cards” treatment… Hard to stay relevant when everything else is starting to be even more batshit than you are.