It means “i’m not a racist, but i still prefer billionaires getting all the money”
It means “i’m not a racist, but i still prefer billionaires getting all the money”
They wanted less government interference, but instead got an authoritarian state with no funding for education, healthcare or police training.
It has been building to this for a while. When the republicans are in office it escalates a lot, and when the Democrats are in office it escalates less, but it only ever escalates.
This is what a private education system gets you.
And so long as we allow billionaires to affect our elections, they are gonna keep rising… It’s fucking frustrating.
Every American i ever met in real life has been in favor of civilians owning guns. Maybe some of them wanted better restrictions, but i have never met an American that wanted to get rid of all guns.
Americans are pussies. They have been telling themselves that their right to bear arms is enough, so they never bothered to learn actual resistance.
Their schools never taught anything about fascism except “we kicked their asses and saved Europe!” so the general population just aren’t capable of recognizing fascism on the rise.
Now that its here, they still think they can stop it by playing fair.
Its not about supporting Frances weapons industry, its about NOT supporting the Nazis across the pond.
You can’t just go around accusing people of being mass murderers.
Hey everybody, check out THIS metal, its all yellowy and pretty!
Aaaaaaall of this is just misdirection.
He doesn’t care about Ukraine or Russia, even Greenland or Panama.
Trump is there to dismantle the American government for his billionaire buddies. That is the job they hired him to do.
Elon Musk and Peter Thiel very openly subscribed to Curtis Yarvins world view, and he very openly describes how to dismantle government, and now they are doing it.
That is what the Heritage Foundation and project2025 is all about. You can track their progress here www.project2025.observer
When they change illegal immigration to be a felony, all those people in the deportation camps can legally be put right back in use!
BUt ThEy wErE JuSt fOlLoWiNg OrDeRs