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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023


  • I tried to get it to build a game of checkers, spent an entire day on it, in the end I could have built the thing myself. Each iteration got slightly worse, and each fix broke more than it corrected.

    AI can generate an “almost-checkers” game nearly perfectly every time, but once you start getting into more complex rules like double jumping it just shits the bed.

    What these headlines fail to capture is that AI is exceptionally good at bite sized pre-defined tasks at scale, and that is the game changer. Its still very far from being capable of building an entire app on its own. That feels more like 5-10 years out.

  • Its not the IT guys themselves, its the aggregate influence. One large school campus flips the switch to Firefox on their next image deployment its a drop in a bucket, but when 1000 schools, 2000 government agencies and 5000 businesses all suddenly stop using Chrome the graph starts to move, because laypeople just accept the default.

    IT guys are like browser-influencers, they tell their parents what to use, friends, and so on. We all used to recommend Chrome, I don’t anymore.

  • IT guys will stop using it…

    Which means they’ll stop deploying it as the default browser on some large enterprises, it won’t ship as defaults in pre-baked images going forward.

    Average joes and janes will use Safari and Edge depending on OS.

    Where is their growth going to come from after this change? Chromebooks? lol.

    I hope they do it, it will hurt them in the long run.

    You can bet 300 new uBlock replacements to spring up practically overnight, some of them scams, reducing trust in the Google ecostystem.