You won’t even know they’re ads, it will just implant false childhood memories, giving you positive associations with the brand.
You won’t even know they’re ads, it will just implant false childhood memories, giving you positive associations with the brand.
Conservatives believe there are only 2 possible roles for a father, absent or abusive.
Legally, not without a constitutional amendment. But if he just declares he’s running anyway, the Constitution is as likely to stop him as any other piece of paper.
A sack of garbage can be human shaped. Look at Elon Musk for example.
I swear this admin could hang up a giant swastika flag in the Oval Office and the media would defend it as “they’re just honoring Usha Vance’s Hindu heritage, it doesn’t matter that it’s diagonal in a white circle on a red background with the 14 Words underneath, it’s a symbol of peace and prosperity”
He also said it after, which you’d only conceivably do to give post-hoc plausible deniability. If it was what he really meant, he’d say it before or during.
The rich ones, at least. Longevity science under capitalism will result in a quasi-immortal upper class and a mortal lower class. Another looming threat of ultra-late capitalism.
The tricky thing was we didn’t have the original rules, we had rules for how to modify it into a gambling game, written with the assumption that everyone already knew how to play, so we needed to derive the original rules from that.
The ID verification is the purpose. Keeping minors off is a smokescreen, tracking every citizen on social media is the real reason for this law.
Silent? I fucking wish you idiots were silent.
Next election? Are these the actions of a regime who thinks they’ll have to be reelected to stay in power?
Particularly if one were to stray out of the heterosexual category. I wouldn’t put it past any of those states.
They’re not scared enough yet.
Yes. The exceptions are a smaller cardinality of infinity than the set of all real numbers.
The IDF is a terrorist organization.
Anything with a nonzero probability will happen infinitely many times. The complete works of Shakespeare consist of 5,132,954 characters, 78 distinct ones. 1/(78^5132954 ) is an incomprehensibly tiny number, millions of zeroes after the decimal, but it is not zero. So the probability of it happening after infinitely many trials is 1. lim(1-(1-P)^n ) as n approaches infinity is 1 for any nonzero P.
An outcome that you’d never see would be a character that isn’t on the keyboard.
It’s the NYPD, they don’t care who actually did it, they just want to pin it on someone. Corrupt bastards, even by pig standards.
He’s not a living creature anymore.
He wants to end birthright citizenship by pushing an ultraconservative interpretation of the 14th amendment through that basically says it only applied to people who were already born when it was ratified, so citizens who were born here can just be rendered stateless and thrown into camps.
A lot of Trump voters are horribly uninformed. They didn’t know - and still don’t know - what Project 2025 is. They thought it was fearmongering because they only heard about it from Dems. They have no idea what’s happening right now, nor do they care. All they know is their team won, and they’re otherwise tuned out. Maybe they’ll wake up when they feel the effects, but they’ll probably just blame Democrats because Fox News tells them to.