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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Anyone living in a swing state just needs to go and vote for Biden. I know a lot of people don’t want to, and, believe me, I get it, but you gotta just do it. It’s like a chore you need to do that you really don’t want to do, that you resent having to do, even, but that nonetheless has to be done. Just do it then take a nice, long hot shower after.

    That being said, holy shit something has to be done. Clearly, just focusing on the presidential election every four years ain’t gonna cut it. We have got to get more involved in the political process. We have got to vote in every local, state, and congressional election. We have to encourage better people to run for office. We have to do something. I don’t know exactly what needs to be done to improve our democracy, but we gotta figure it out. We can’t have another election cycle like the last several.

  • And if you want people to significantly simplify, well that’s a real uphill battle

    Well, I can’t disagree with you there. Few people will simplify or reduce their consumption or their use of resources willingly. You’re right, they’re going to have to be forced, somehow. But, I don’t think space is going to be the thing that forces them, I think it will be some kind of major collapse. Regardless, I don’t think anything is going to stop people from continuing to do profound, irreparable damage to the environment anytime soon. I expect that to continue for the foreseeable future.

  • I think the best way to achieve sustainability is probably through simplification, rather than relying on technology of ever increasing complexity. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t use any form of complex technology, but I think we implement the complex technology more strategically. I think we should utilize more complex technology where necessary but simplify where possible. I think we should try to live more within the bounds of our ecosystem and become more connected to it and its natural cycles, instead of becoming more disconnected from it.

  • I’m not necessarily opposed to having grand, long term ambitions, but I just don’t see how something like that could be considered a priority. When I think of a priority, I think of some immediate need. I don’t see space exploration as a necessity. Again, I’m not against it, necessarily, but I think preserving this planet’s biosphere should absolutely be considered the priority. After all, the Earth is the only human supporting habitat known to exist in the universe.

  • Greater than 2/3 of the people are either “very proud” or “extremely proud” to be American. Maybe not where it was but it’s still a large majority. I’m not in that majority, personally, but I’m used to feeling like an outsider in my own country. I think that’s part of the reason I find it SO hard to stay engaged in the political process in this country. I just have a very different vision for America, a very different idea of what I want America to be than most other Americans. I’m outnumbered and that’s just the way it is.

  • I get through my days perfectly fine. Quite well, actually. I’m not the incompetent here. The person said that they would vote D no matter what, and that independents must be mentally deficient. The implication couldn’t be clearer: the Democratic party represents the correct, orthodox ideology, and thus they should be supported no matter what, the Republican party represents an incorrect, heterodox ideology, and any independent who doesn’t recognize that must be mentally deficient. To illustrate my point, simply imagine the same statement only with the D replaced with an R. The problem isn’t that some people adhere to wrong ideologies, the problem is ideology itself. Everyone should be an independent, instead of adhering rigidly to one ideology or another. That doesn’t mean all ideologies are equally harmful, and many, if not most, independents know that. In fact, I think many, if not most, independents recognize that Biden and the Democrats are the less harmful of the two options, which is why I think many, if not most, independents will vote for Biden in the general election. Many people are simply confusing independents’ criticisms and displeasure as a failure to recognize that the Democrats are the less harmful option.