Por que no los dos? The government is NOT faultless in this, but how often are those regulations removed because a company lobbyist bribed them hinted very strongly that they would like that?
Por que no los dos? The government is NOT faultless in this, but how often are those regulations removed because a company lobbyist bribed them hinted very strongly that they would like that?
Maybe we should have rules in place that provide more protection for actual human beings instead of prioritizing profit margins or pretending that “Basic Economics” is a universal law rather than a guideline of how people interact with each other. Sorry, I’m not mad at you, just the system we live in
Obviously. Everyone in my head says I’m hilarious
Touche. But no, my point was more of a haphazard reflection on how both the Trolley Problem and Prisoner’s Dilemma are (by design) built on the idea of reducing human life and/or morality and empathy down to a math problem. It is a method of thought that has its purposes, sure, but I think too many people make that their default setting, which makes dehumanization more common, even if subconsciously. Idk man, I’m going through some stuff
Edit: Fixed a pretty bad typo
You need to watch more shows. Don’t get me wrong, I like The Good Place and what they were trying to do with it, but yeah no there’s a lot of other shows that are just as educational and well written that don’t have to do a show-wide reset to start every season
I see what you’re trying to do and you’re not necessarily wrong, but you’re kinda perpetuating the attitude that inspired someone to make this meme in the first place
Not to mention the half-dozen times the Joker tried to poison Gotham by putting Joker Toxin in the water supply
The gas stoves themselves aren’t the only reason, but they help contribute to a lower lifespan. Also 2 years over the course of, like, 75 years? Yeah that sounds about right
I’ll give you 3 guesses
I was in Spirit Halloween yesterday and they had a Hawk Tuah costume (it was like a handyman jumpsuit that said something like “Hawk Tuah Lubricants”)
Somebody get this man some ice to fry!
Answering both of our rhetorical questions at once: “because they were black”
How the fuck is “acquitted conduct sentencing” allowed and not a flagrant violation of justice? What the hell happened to “innocent until proven guilty”?
Lol wrong SSN, but I think you knew that
I agree in principle, but I feel like I should point out that mindset is very similar to what we all thought back in 2016, and he ended up ‘winning’ because we underestimated his chances. Unfortunately, we’ll just have to let hindsight be the judge
So this summary I’m going to give really does not do justice to the whole situation, but I’m going to try to be brief-yet-informative:
In 1921, Tulsa, Oklahoma, a black teenager, Dick Rowland, was arrested for ‘assaulting’ a white woman (most reports say he likely just tripped and accidentally touched her as he fell; she declined to give a statement). At the time, the black community in Tulsa was one of the most financially successful in the country, colloquially called “Black Wall Street.” Meanwhile, the KKK and racism in general were at a historic high across the entire country, not just the South. As news spread over the arrest, a large group of white people (some of whom had been deputized earlier that day for this exact purpose) arrived at the jail to lynch Rowland as well as a smaller group of black people who arrived to defend him from what was certainly going to be his death. Some sources disagree on how EXACTLY the violence started but the general consensus is that the police convinced the black group to go home but someone in the white mob tried to disarm them before they left, possibly even trying to wrestle away someone’s gun. A shot was fired, and then many, many shots. Over the next 16(ish) hours, white mob violence burned down 35 square blocks of Black Wall Street (at least 1250 homes), somewhere between 50-300 people died, many hundreds more were injured, and not a single criminal charge was brought to anyone. Also insurance companies refused to compensate the black families because obviously
Fast forward to 1996, and the city of Tulsa formed a committee to investigate the Massacre (only 75 years late). The committee found that the city was at least partially responsible and should (among other things) pay reparations to the few remaining geriatric survivors who would have been mere children at the time. The city refused to do follow their advice (even though they were the ones who MADE the committee in the first place) so a lawsuit was attempted. It was thrown out because the statute of limitations (which was only 2 years for a civil rights claim) had long since passed. Although the city DID give out some medals to the survivors as if they were fucking Olympic athletes or something and not the victims of a state-supported hate crime/murder spree
It’s another example in a very, VERY long list of American hypocrisy, broken promises, and racism that we refuse to even acknowledge on an official level. It’s kinda similar to modern-day Japan denying that they committed any war crimes during World War 2 despite the mountains of evidence to the contrary
And yet, they still refuse to even consider taking any kind of responsibility
That was a great explanation, thank you
Slightly more expensive in places with local water scarcity, like the American southwest. But yeah, we still need a revolution