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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Please quote where I said the data was from 2024.

    You posted an image acting like because it said 2024 that the data is from 2024. Don’t act like you weren’t trying anything else.

    Covid was 2020. I’m doubtful the 2024 report is based entirely on numbers from 2020. I didn’t look, and I doubt you did. But I’m doubtful, as I said.

    I did look, most reports take years to be published because of the amount of data that’s available. Usually its 4ish years old by the time it’s released. This is just the nature of these reports. Its why the studies from 2015/2016 where the last ones prior to seeing the 2020/21 studies get released.

    In any case, it’s a tragic statistic regardless of that, and also no matter whether we’re cutting off “children” at 18 or 19 - and that’s a pretty sickening reason to handwave it away. Deaths are deaths, and these are our youth.

    It’s not, it’s nuance that’s being lost. The public hears kids, they think 5 year olds being killed, not a gang member who just had beef with another gang member who’s now dead.

    Do you not recognize how asinine it is to hinge your argument on this? Let’s say it’s the number 2 cause of death. Hell, let’s say it’s the number three cause of death.

    It’s not, suicide is the main cause of that number. Are you going to feel better because you put in a law that somehow magically stops people from offing themselves with a firearm but the suicide numbers don’t drop they just use another tool? Will you stand up and call it a win then? Or will you realize that we have a problem with our society and our citizens need social support and reform first. One of those options will drastically reduce our violence and suicides…the other will not.

    We have a problem and all some folks can do is nitpick about irrelevant bullshit that would not detract from the argument even if I accepted all the nitpicks.

    I never said we don’t have an issue. I’ve merely stated that guns aren’t our issue and I’ve given solutions that will actually work, I’m not the one nitpicking things. Anti-2a groups are.

    Anyhow, I somehow missed this bit of classic internet snark, so you can fuck off with this dismissive and inaccurate ad hom:

    Let me guess, you’re like 20-23?

    I was getting OUT of the military longer ago than that, which is why I can recognize that 19 is a child in all ways that are relevant to their likely level of maturity, and the tragedy of their deaths, plus be appropriately horrified at the continual resistance to doing anything at all about it.

    Good Day, Sir.

    I don’t know how you got comments mixed up but you’re thinking of some other user. I never questioned your age, this user did.


    Not that it matters at all except to folks who want to deflect from the problem, but here’s the press release that accompanies that 2024 report.

    This is the report that cites the 2020/21 numbers.

    It cites this source, among others, and I’m sure if I wasn’t too lazy to crawl the actual PDF I’d find others: https://wonder.cdc.gov/Deaths-by-Underlying-Cause.html

    Yea which cites COVID numbers as I’ve previously stated.

    In any case, if deflection, denial, and ad hom attacks are all you got, I see no reason to continue.

    I’m not deflecting anything, and I’ve not denied anything either, and the attacks are not from me as I’ve pointed out, you must have copied that other users comments thinking they were mine.

  • So these teenagers you speak about, you think they’re not children?

    No they’re not, most gang related violence here in the states is from 15-19 year olds. Which heavily skew the numbers.

    Let me guess, you’re like 20-23?

    Lol try again kid, I’m probably old enough to be your father.

    Yes, 18 and 19 year old are non-fully developed humans. Still developing. Not finished. SO MUCH SO, that they CAN AREN’T VENE ALLOWED BEER.

    Is that why they’re allowed alcohol in most of Europe at that age?

    It’s so pathetic the excuses you keep making to try and spin a horrible fact into something that doesn’t need to be worried about.

    Well considering that 2/3rds (%66~) of our deaths are suicides, then of the 34% left, 85% of those are gang/drug related, and then the last %15 covers police killings (on average 1k deaths a year from the police shooting someone) and then you have the few hundred murders a year from firearms that includes (mass shootings, robberies, muggings, random acts of violence). But you wouldn’t know this because you’re from a euro country who thinks guns magically make the usa the wild west and blood pours from the streets daily while roaming hordes or mass murders just walk around openly and execute people.

    Like compared to Europe, America really is on the level of developing countries, and even worse in a lot of instances.

    Yea you don’t know what you’re talking about.

    Science agrees that gun control works. It’s just a fact. A fact you won’t be able to accept, no matter what.

    Science agrees that counties that have social programs that support their citizens have less violence overall… Brazil still is waiting on your “gun control works”…

  • How would the FBI have any data on nationally implemented gun control? Perhaps by reading studied from Oxford and Harvard.

    ROFL the FBI provides the numbers to the public lol they do not get shit from oxford or Harvard lol fucking hell… I don’t even know why I’m arguing with you. You’re not even from here lol

    What you’re doing again is crying instead of having any science on your side, even your “FBI facts.”


    This “argument” is exactly what I meant when I was calling for a gun nut to come show their insanity.


    You have a tantrum, deny the science and then say things like “sounds like their policies didn’t work”, when you still refuse to ACTUALLY READ the study and can’t provide anything against it.

    Yea ok mr “the fbi gets it’s numbers from Oxford and Harvard” ROFL

    Cry cry cry. Zero science. Like always.


    Yeah, see I’m from an actual first world country, we have good education, so I understand empathy and how interconnected the global community is. But you don’t even care about your own children getting massacred. How utterly disgusting.

    O no the emotional bullshit shines. You keep to your side of the pond and I’ll keep to mine.

  • What you’re doing is crying a lot, denying the actual studies which have been done in, among other countries, Brazil.

    Where do you seem me crying? I’m not the one crying about guns, and screaming “think of the children”…you anti-2a groups are literally emotionally driven and actually do cry a lot about gun rights.

    You’ve never read a single one, because people like you never do. Instead you think your making aa good case by calling Harvard and Oxford studies “emotional bullshit” while thinking the garbage you pull out of your arse are “facts, my facts are real facts”.

    I’ve read all of these studies, they’re all designed to show that guns magically make people more violent and we should ban them completely. This isn’t news. The facts I use are from statistics from the FBI, statistics don’t lie.

    You seriously think you’re gonna “debunk” large peer reviewed studies by the world’s most esteemed universities by going “b-b-but w-what about B-Brazil…?!” (It’s called whataboutism, a rather childish propaganda tactic.)

    These studies aren’t actual studies, they’re collections of data that are correlationed to make gun ownership look bad. And I’m not the one that continually brings up other nations that have safety nets and gun control and say “what about this euro nation”…

    Since the studies are too hard for you to read:

    Within the US, gun violence varies widely. Age-adjusted firearm homicide rates range from a high of 14.4 per 100,000 in Washington, DC, to a low of 1.1 per 100,000 in New Hampshire. Washington, DC’s rate is similar to those of Brazil and Jamaica, which rank ninth and tenth globally. New Hampshire’s rate is similar to that of Chile. Even though New Hampshire has the lowest rates of age-adjusted firearm homicides in the US, its rate is still three times greater than the highest rate in Europe – Cyprus, with 0.36 deaths per 100,000.

    Cool, thanks for proving my point. Gun laws in Brazil are some of the strictest in the world, yet they have the same firearm homicide rate as DC does… sounds like the laws banning people from owning firearms aren’t working.





    You’re never going to admit you’re wrong, no matter how bad it gets in your shithole of a country. Why is that? Wouldn’t it be better to admit how fucked up it is, to start fixing it? Or do you just like living in an unsafe shithole?

    O… you’re not even from the USA…my shithole country is my country, worry about your own.