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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • Your response thread so far is

    1. “Nuh uh, you’re wrong!”
    2. “Your reading comprehension sucks!”
    3. Reiterating your previous response as you apparently can’t address my follow-up

    I was wrong previously: the only thing funnier than being lectured on reading comprehension by someone with poor reading comprehension is being corrected by someone who is adamant you’re wrong but can’t actually tell you why. Yet I’m the idiot here. 🙄

    Edit: I’m done responding to you as this is a colossal waste of my time and may be actively making me stupider, so feel free to have the last word.

  • When someone correctly says in the context of UK English “the yanks call (UK English A) (US English B)!” and they respond “no, we call (US English B) (US English B)” and proceeds to provide a US centric lecture of nomenclature, they tend to be contradicting them. On their own geographically correct usage of the word.

    Corollary example also appropriate for the US. MtF person recently transitions and word is spreading.

    Person 1: They even call Roy Martha.
    Person 2: No, I call Roy Roy.

    The only thing better than getting lectured on reading comprehension is being lectured by someone who didn’t comprehend the reading.

  • This is what happens when politics becomes team sports in a country where critical thinking is discouraged. Every time I see someone post “vote blue no matter who”, I become just a little bit stupider.

    I get it. The United States has two political parties that have politics locked down. If you don’t vote for the blue team, the red team wins the championship and gets the trophy er, presidency. Red team is a bunch of fascists, blue team is fascist adjacent. Red team promises to hurt the right people and further institute a surveillance state, blue team promises to fight the red team, maybe provide better policies (the red team will just undo in four years), and further institute a surveillance state. Both will happily kill little brown kids to further enrich old white men.

    What is discouraging is the number of people who freak out when someone points out both teams suck. The “get out of here with your both sides bullshit”. No, you just live in a shite country with terrible politicians. Both sides suck. If that upsets you so much that you can’t even consider it, you suck too.