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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Sterile_Technique@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldFuck you, kowalski
    1 day ago

    I’ve always understood it as the perception that something isn’t quite right (usually with a person, but I’ve seen it used in non-human contexts too) without being able to immediately describe why.

    A great example is Grand Moff Tarkin in Rogue One - the actor who played him on the original trilogy died in 1994, so they just deep-faked him into the scenes he was needed. When I saw Rogue One initially, I didn’t know that actor was dead, and didn’t connect the dots that even if he wasn’t dead, he’d look like a zombie this many years after filming the OT… but in Rogue One, he just looked like Tarkin. Mostly. The scenes that featured him gave a kind of uncomfortable “what the hell is wrong with that guy” feeling, but I still didn’t connect the dots and couldn’t put my finger on why it looked so wrong.

    Then later I learned is was a deep-fake, and now it just looks like a deep-fake; the uncanny valley sensation went away once I finally understood why he looked the way he did.

    The internet is full of creepy looking ‘examples’ of uncanny valley, but they’re all shit imo, cuz they’re all just blatantly creepy shit; well beyond the uncertainty that goes along with uncanny valley.

  • Eh! This thread just reminded me of something I’ve been meaning to buy, but only ever think about buying when I’m at work or something and not able to get online to make the purchase:


    Key-chain pouch with a CPR face barrier that has a one-way valve.

    I’ve never had to give CPR outside of a hospital environment, but there it’s much more controlled w/ supplies readily available like a resuscitation bag that you just slap onto the patient’s face and squeeze to give breaths. I know how to do the field version without any supplies, but when you give breaths in that scenario, YOU are the resuscitation bag, and it’d be nice to be prepared to give rescue breaths without needing to worry about shit like picking up herpes off some dying stranger’s face.

    Also CPR is NOT hard to do or learn, so if I’ve piqued your interest and you’re not already familiar with it, plug your city in here (https://www.redcross.org/take-a-class) and set it to CPR and see what’s in your area. Price varies a lot, but expect $30-$100 (WHY ISN’T THIS FREE/SUBSIDIZED?!). Learn some shit, get that cert, save a life. Make sure the class you sign up for good for first-timers and not a refresher course; and I STRONGLY recommend doing in person vs online so you can practice on a dummy with an instructor present to let you know if you’re fucking something up.


  • Fairly successful strategy I’ve been using lately is to out-crazy the red team and feed em their own medicine. No one here needs to be told the libertarian party is just Far Right Lite™, but do you know their selling points? Cuz there is no chance in HELL I’ll be able to convince a Trumpanzee to vote for Biden, but I have been able to steer a handful of votes away from Trump and toward Chase Oliver - usually goes down like this: MAGAt will open the conversation by bitching about someone on the blue team - such as Hillary and her emails. I’ll AGREE with them, but lump her and Trump into the same category… “Idk how they get away with sending classified data on a private email server or printing it out and hauling boxes of it to their private residence. If I did hundredth of the crime Trump or Hillary committed, I’d spend the rest of my life in jail!”. Bitch about how both parties are doing the bare minimum just to stay in power etc; then start pitching 3rd as an alternative option.

    ‘Both sides’ em, and change their vote to “not trump” by pitching whichever 3rd most closely aligns with their impressionability (which is pretty much always the LP). Put the spoiler effect to good use.

    And be weary of folks doing the same to you, especially here on Lemmy with all the ‘genocide Joe’ shit or encouraging apathy because of the shit debate.

  • Your feet and head are both very vascular, so cooling them will help lots to cool the rest of you.

    Head -

    Ever been buzzed or bald before? If no, now could be the time to give it a shot. Worse case scenario, you look like shit and let it grow back to whatever’s the shortest length that looks decent. Bonus: you’ll save a ton of time and money on hair cuts/care.

    Keep a container of water water and washcloths in your fridge. Take a cloth out when it’s time to veg on the couch, and slap it on your noggin. When it dries, grab a new one. *recommend not throwing used ones back in the water w/o washing first, or your water will get nasty fast.

    • If you decide to go buzzed and have never done it before, PROTECT YOUR NOGGIN/SCALP FROM THE SUN. Burns up there hurt like a mofo.

    Feet -

    This is trading heat discomfort for wet sock discomfort; but if that’s a fair trade, then… yeah, wet your socks with cold water. A tub a cold water at the base of your couch can give you something to dip in while you’re watching TV or something. Same spiel as the wash cloths - keep your socks/water/tub clean and don’t reuse without washing first, or you’ll get yourself trenchfoot or some nastiness.


    Also, if you’re in an apartment that disallows window units… they fit great in a fireplace, and the hot air just vents up the chimney. Your lease likely doesn’t say anything about fireplace units. Just sayin’. Just make sure to seal the edges really well so hot air doesn’t leak back into your living space.

  • They didn’t just mess up, it was straight up false advertising. It was even found to be such in court in a few chunks of Europe iirc.

    But no, it was very much intentionally deceptive, and that’s why people were rightfully pissed off.

    They HAVE put a ton of effort into making things right since release, which surprised me - my guess was they were gonna laugh all the way to the bank, dissolve their company and rebrand, and never push a single update for it. They seem to actually want to make the thing they promised, so credit where it’s due, but the initial uproar was proportional to their crime.