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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldFuck you, kowalski
    1 day ago

    Could also have been cannibals, a lot of folklores talk about people who aren’t really people that kill and eat people. Some versions of the tale of the wendigo feature whoever encounters them in their human forms noting that they knew they must be wendigo because they looked like normal people but something just felt wrong about how they behaved.

    Uncanny valley could be at play in the ick you feel when you can tell for no apparent reason that someone’s a psychopath or dangerous in some other way, the unconscious response to the things your brain noticed that you didn’t.

  • Maybe talk to them about how the PDA keeps reminding you of how you found out about the whole thing and ask them to dial it back.

    As distanced as you might feel from them right now, that’s still your friend and your sister, assuming they aren’t awful people they’re probably only doing it because they’re in the honeymoon phase and being reminded that not everyone’s comfortable with public intimacy will put just the right amount of ice water over their heads and snap them out of the love goggles.

    Probably also talk to your friend about how you feel like he’s never around to see you anymore. Again, love goggles, this kid is probably neglecting a lot of other relationships and needs a wake-up call on that, do not start a fight about it though, be calm and explanatory and express concern for him getting lost in the sauce.

    Lastly, adopt a policy of knocking on doors before entering even if they aren’t locked. It is gonna save your life in college.

  • I’m lucky enough to have some security, so my plan is lay low and where I can play safehouse for the folks that need it, I’m not a fighter, but I have what I need and a little more, and I can use that to help whoever needs it.

    I’ve got ideas for what the post crisis should look like, so probably try to find ways to network with the folks who are likely to be making that transition once this inevitably burns itself out.

    Meantime, vote. Vote like your life depends on it because the odds are that you know someone who’s life does.

    Time is our shield, and even if it’s only another four years, it’s four more years the windbag has to survive into his 80s to take another crack at it, by which time the crop of Dem governors are going to be making enough noise to be suitable replacements for Biden, and if he drops dead in that time, it is very likely the movement will be demoralized the same way JFK and RFK dying took the wind out of the Democrat’s sails.

    The Redcaps are a cult, when the prophet of a cult dies without an already established right hand who can take over and reconsolidate the movement, the whole thing collapses under its own weight and the shock and grief of its members.

    They aren’t gonna wake up to how wrong they’ve been, but they are gonna spiral hard and be unable to keep up the energy.

  • Yeah but the polls didn’t significantly falter, they’re still statistically tied with only a margin of error shift since the debate.

    This isn’t an organic moment of partisan reconsideration. It’s being pushed by the same folks who were already loudly and obnoxiously telling us about how they don’t like Joe and threatening to vote protest or skip voting because, shock of shocks, nobody primaried the sitting president and risk sowing division right before an election where the other candidate is Hitler’s inbred pet mango.

  • Horse Race reporting, it’s literally all the mainstream has to say people are concerned about because his performance actually holds up when you check the stats.

    But if you dare say that people are literally being manipulated into thinking he’s worse than he is you’re “not understanding the median voter’s struggles”

    We need to force the sale of news corporations to the journalists so this profit maxxing bothsidesifying shit can go the way of the dodo.

  • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldMildred
    3 days ago

    I mean I want to name my first son Abe, but that’s because it was my grandfather’s americanized name (Ibrahim)

    I think some geriatric sounding names are still respectable sounding enough to stand as good names for kids today. Dot and Conny I think would be good ones for girls and those are nicknames for Dorothy and Constance.