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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 31st, 2024

  • As much as I don’t want to encourage this, because it’s not the US I want to exist, but I feel like we’re quite past that point. Trump and his cabal have more blood on their hands than we could possibly imagine, and they intend to keep going further and further, very openly too. History has show us time and time again how “democracies” fall, the ruling liberals being “tolerant” and allowing this shit to happen while claiming that THEY are TOTALLY winning. Since the democrats aren’t even going to bother with any real campaigning or compromising to appeal to the people, what else is left? We are getting dangerously close to a kill or be killed scenario.

  • Have you read Trump’s plan for his next turn? The fucker wants to go through with hefty important taxes on EVERYTHING (that’s essentially putting sanctions on the US lol). Cheap groceries aren’t a good prediction for a Trump term. I’d suggest listening to what he’s saying. There’s more that makes me think that cheap things aren’t around the corner, the fucker has many things he wants to spend for, without any plans for increasing the budget.

  • I agree that it is heartbreaking that the democrats keep pushing candidates no one wants. But no amount of incompetence is a reason to give fascism a try. I don’t live in America, but considering they run this joint, I’d hate for it to become a shitier Russia.

    Biden is definitely not fit to do anything him self, but he’s surrounded by good advisers and he actually fucking listens to them. Under his term not nearly as many horrific things happened as under trump. Trump’s an immediate menace to the world order as we know it. I find it really ironic how he claims to be pro American, but actively destroys the reasons people look up to America and let it have so much influence in the first place.

  • We have a wonderful road here in Prague. Goes somewhat sharply up hill with a speed limit of 70km/h (43.5mi/h), there’s legit nothing along the road and both ends are just junctions. And suddenly, out of nowhere, barely even a bike lane. I presume I don’t need to explain that nobody ever bikes here?

    Sadly never had the opportunity to take a picture (not like I can just stop there), so here’s one from street view, it’s hard to see, but there are cyclist markings.

  • I found out I needed glass when I tried my friend’s glasses for fun and saw better with them. Twas very depressing actually, realizing I’ve seen stuff wrong for so many years. Things is I only have -1, so it’s not bad enough to significantly affect daily life, tho it is significant enough in how I experience views. Now when I travel I always have a pair with me for whenever I truly want to enjoy the sight of something. Otherwise I avoid my glasses like the plague.

  • Bruh, that’s some fucking expensive ass breakfast. If I’m eating at home, I’ma making a bloody 3 course meal for 15$. My breakfast rarely goes over 2$, that being an unreasonable liter of milk and 2 ham/lettuce/mayo/ketchup sandwiches. Where the milk is by far the most expensive part, as in like 75% of the cost.

  • Ey! I studied there for 2 years, awesome corner of the world :)

    200/month that’s 2400/year, now to me that sounds insane… That’s twice my car expenses and even that’s like double of what I pay for transit and food.

    Here in Prague a yearly public transit ticket is 3650kč which is actually closer to 160$ (my bad) or roughly 150€ a year. Either way it’s an order of magnitude less and then some. The kind of money I’ll happily just throw out there. And inside Prague it is most definitely faster than by car. I dread driving here.

    In rural areas the story is a little different, 9385kč (~380€) a year including Prague and the surrounding area, so I can visit my ma. I used to have this pass before my car. Still MUCH cheaper, but I admit, it’s like twice as slow to go by rural busses compared to driving your own car.

    Sadly don’t know the transit pass prices in the Netherlands, cus I just biked everywhere (didn’t have a car as a student and sure as hell wasn’t gonna pay more than I had to at the time). But it’s hard to imagine they’d be much more expensive.

  • A bit unrelated, but where I live the price of car school doubled in the past few years. It’s the reason my girlfriend still hasn’t started driving school yet. I could see that as an important factor. If I had to get my driving license for the current price, I might also reconsider. Cars are generally ludicrously expensive compared to everything else. Here you could pay roughly (converted) 120 bucks a year for public transit, or pay 80 monthly AT LEAST to drive (just gass and ensurance).