As a young teenager I did not care.
Were you a young teenage girl? Because you seem to completely lack understanding of teenage boys’ psychology. There’s absolutely no reason they would be angry at her for making them horny. That makes no sense at all.
I would agree with your other replier on this. Furthering that, I would say this is the teenage boys’ attempt to challenge authority by undermining her authority with her open sexuality as a tool. They found a leverage to have power over her. And they’re going to use it to the full extent. They’re at a point in time of their growth where they find their social hierarchy. Almost every male mammal engages in this. They pick fights and they learn where they stand by winning and losing. And they want to get as high as possible. This explains the anger that you pointed out, because challenging authority and fighting is inherently similar emotion to anger.
This type of mandate exists in specific industries. I’m really not sure why it doesn’t exist in other.