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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • Its often the little things like this that make it clear for me who is indeed a moron.
    Like oh, omg, that explains so much about that person.
    That poor thing.

    Now, I def need to not equate that with ‘capabilities’ of someone, even morons can brute-force achieve things I could never. They do it despite the handicap and I respect that.

    Dont want to discuss problems or brainstorm when them but respect nonetheless (them and their work).

    Most of us are in fact not what it’s commonly considered neurotypical (I beehive they are a smol but just the most vocal group). And just like with folk on introverts/depressed/ADHD/autism/etc spectrum it’s best to recognise, acknowledge, respect, and adapt to that (ie work and communicate a bit differently with each one of us, it doesn’t take all that much, and the learning curve is just so unbelievably good at the start).

  • I mean, in previous years we did pass some environmental laws (like banning internal combustion cars), not as much or as strict as I hoped, but change was there. Sure hope that doesn’t all get undone ‘to boost the economy’ (in the USA sense - so help the existing big corps to boost their profits & do nothing for the majority).

    Hell, I rally like the vast majority of EU regulations (various directives and delegated acts) that were passed & are being constantly updated (to keep up with the times/trends & tech) over the last 20 years, I think its a rally good balance between protecting the people whilst at the same time working with the market to actually achieve a meaningful & painless change over several years. That’s why we have representatives. The added “bureaucracy” as companies call it is just extra reporting & testing (to confirm compliance with standards). This benefits us all & is of unbelievably marginal cost when you look at the economy, regardless of what lobbyists say.