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Cake day: August 16th, 2024


  • The sheer, unmitigated corruption and violence that comes from police departments and courts (especially looking at you, “Supreme” Court) is utterly disheartening. I sincerely do not see a way forward without violence, and I am not a proponent of violence. But things have gotten so bad, the people have so few protections and so few people in power on their side. What are you supposed to do when voting doesn’t matter because of corruption, gerrymandering, voter intimidation, disenfranchisement?

    Where do we go from here when there is no one with power or in the mainstream political sphere who is even trying to correct it?

    Yes, we have Bernie and AOC, but two people can’t do a thing.

  • You’re mostly there.

    Fry up the bulk sausage, making sure you chop it up nicely. Don’t skimp on the sausage. Make a roux with the grease and a bit of flour and milk. Add flour and milk gradually to your desired consistency (I like it fairly thick), but don’t go overboard on the milk or it will become bland and milky. Add fresh cracked black pepper and, importantly, no other seasonings or toppings.

    That last part is where every place seems to go wrong these days. Almost everywhere overdoes it by trying to make it something fancy, so they add extra seasonings and things like bacon and green onions and salt. I love bacon and green onions and salt, but they don’t go into gravy. And some places forget the pepper. You need pepper. And of course, most places are very skimpy on the actual sausage, even though it’s cheap.

    Anyway, once done, apply liberally to your preferred biscuits. Quick, easy, delicious.