During puberty, should I start giving my children Amazon gift cards or no questions ask money to protect my produce?
What else am I supposed to do at work?
I’m a 1 and yes I do. I can imagine something, but it’s hard to concentrate on something super detailed and fully enjoy myself
We will always be labeled as terrorists, no matter what we do. The far right is kept as both agents of division to keep the populous separated and as a last ditch ally when society comes together to free itself from the yolk of capital exploitation
There is a reason left wing groups must be militant in their operation. The capitalist class will never willingly allow another option to their complete and unyielding control.
He should let Netenyahu and the kinessit that. This is not the message america projects at all
I guess we do negotiate with terrorists in america
While I have my issues with some of the people involved with the channel, I’d say breaking points is pretty legit as a news source. They are a spin-off of a previous project from “the hill” and have people on staff from the intercept. The person who is being interviewed also runs a news bulletin, which is one of the main sources of this news.