2023 Reddit Refugee

On Decentralization:

“We no longer have choice. We no longer have voice. And what is left when you have no choice and no voice? Exit.” - Andreas Antonopoulos

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • My spouse and I are gamers. It’s fun to introduce them to a game and watch them experience it for the first time. Every now and then they don’t like a game I’ve introduced, and other times they end falling in love with the game. Right now my spouse is introducing me to Hades, and they’re watching my experiences with it: it’s a good game so far, but they rave about it so I wanted to know what it’s like. We get to hang out while they watch me play, and it’s quality time together. Who knows, maybe this will be a favorite game of mine too?

    I don’t watch strangers online play games, but let’s pretend there’s a content creator who I enjoy watching, is close to my age, and I enjoy their personality. How cool would it be to watch that person play some of my favorite games: nostalgic games, ones that inspired me, introduced me to new concepts, broke me, etc. If I aligned with that content creator, I’d love to hear what they think - what they liked and didn’t like about the game, how they felt with the thought-provoking moments, etc.

    With that said, some persons like to watch others play games for these reasons and more.

  • It’s all good as it could’ve been worse - now it’s a cool memory, but certainly one I do not want to relive :)

    In my younger days I loved rollercoasters with brief moments you go upside down. Can’t do that stuff anymore. When I told people about my vertigo and how I couldn’t do those rides, they always just said “take a motion sickness pill, you’ll just be dizzy. Come on!”

    Heh. They never had vertigo. That’s like people thinking a migraine is the equivalent of “a really bad headache”.