You’re pretty much asking for it by not using an ad blocker. Want it to stop? Boycott the ads.
You’re pretty much asking for it by not using an ad blocker. Want it to stop? Boycott the ads.
The world could really do with a few more Luigis.
I don’t have an article about it on hand, but there was one judge who blocked Trump’s attempt to remove birthright citizenship.
I thought it’s illegal to be a Nazi in Germany?
Remember, factories can only pollute if they are functional. Or if whatever storage tanks they have on site ara damaged, so don’t touch those. But the rest is fair game.
I would rather shoot myself than set foot in America right now
I wanna smoke weed again. I did it one time in school when I got hold of a dealer. Didn’t do it again, dunno why. Now I don’t know any dealers.
There’s more revolutionary spirit in the average african child than in an average american. That’s their legacy now, history’s greatest pushovers.
The US will be spending the next several decades building their reputation back up.
The solution to the tolerance paradox is that intolerance should not be tolerated. What this intolerance of intolerance looks like might vary, from shunning to telling them off to arresting them.
In the case of Nazis shunning and telling off has been tried in the years before WW2. It was made known that you can’t make Nazis go away just by telling them to stop. We fought an entire war because they kept trying to impose their fascist ways on the world. And now they have returned, so why should we waste time with diplomacy again? Even Germany, having learnt the most from WW2 and having some of the most strict anti-fascism laws, is now home to one of the largest far-right party in Europe. We know how to get rid of Nazis and other fascists, the same way we did last time. And we know that if we let them be they will come for us, and try again to impose their fascist ways onto the world again.
In this case violence towards the intolerant is justified, because we know they will not listen to reason.
The best way guarantee good rulers would be to forbid people from seeking to be a ruler. But how then do you get rulers?
It’s the same way they cured COVID. Just stop testing for it and you’ll have 0 reported cases.
Why is it that whenever one of these tests are performed on AIs they only test LLMs? It’s like forcing an English major to take a history test.
Do it again with an AI trained on historical data.
Imagine dressing every day in green clothes covered in microchips and LCDs and li-ion batteries
As if people here never responded to stuff with “dope,” “rad,” “as if,” etc.
People who get upset at kids using their slang are no different from boomers who got upset at them for using their slang
I’m getting kinda tired of these attacks. Is some loser from 4chan not getting enough attention from mommy?
I have considered taking a train to Amsterdam. It’s probably just a 2-hour ride.