I don’t understand how wanting to use feminine pronouns for someone femme-presenting and “wanting to be a woman” is “forcing an agenda”? Is respect an agenda now?

Also, it seems like it would give her dysphoria to use he/him pronouns on someone who wants to be the opposite gender (although I realize pronouns =/= gender)

  • Fecundpossum@lemmy.world
    5 days ago

    I think it’s pretty fucking obvious what their problem is. They don’t want the newfound visibility that trans people have gained over the last few years to present a visible option for their kids and grandkids. They didn’t care about trans people years ago because they were largely in the shadows. Now that the language and culture around trans people is becoming visible to the average American, it has become the perfect shibboleth for the right wing to rally around no different than when the Christian right pulled abortion out of thin air as a rallying point to drive right wing voters. Don’t want your daughter to embarrass the fuck out of you at social functions when they introduce themselves as Xe/Xer/Xim? Vote Republican. That’s the point of the manufactured outrage. A way to drive funding and votes for fascism. And it worked. Trans visibility is the golden egg dropped in trumps lap that put him back in office.

    This isn’t just mindless theorizing. I work with these right wing jackasses. It’s all they talk about.