give me my 30 minutes back
Saddam Fußein
Thank you
Archeologists: “This was probably for ceremonial use, in fertility rites”.
Sadaam Hussein is blocking the view
Let the man enjoy his front row
but i wanna enjoy hot feet
2024 Twitter screenshot, ew.
Petition for the mods to ban X screenshots
Knees definitely need to be a bit darker. Who the fuck has a thing specifically for knees?
I don’t know, but my dad definitely didn’t want to explain this scene to me when I was a kid.
Can you elaborate? I might fit that criteria.
See, I’ve seen this do the rounds, and it always loses me before Saddam, because let’s be honest, if you’re into knees you’re clearly more respectable than being super into ass. Weirder, for sure, but more respectable, in an old timey, strangely prudish way.
There is definitely a time in history when someone masturbated to the thought of a bare shoulder.
And that time was in middle school, and the someone was me
Oh, sweet summer grandpa…
Nah I’m in my 20s, that’s just what happens when you are super horny, aren’t ashamed of it, but also don’t know what sex is.
I don’t want to be respected for being into ass.
I want to be disrespected for being into ass 🫣
I want to be disrespected for being ass
Same girl same
a friend of mine made a comment about appreciating calves and that threw the whole chat off kilter
Calves are an eyebrow raiser? Lordy. What’s the world coming to when we can’t openly discuss nice calves. When I say I love legs, I mean the whole leg.
Oh yah. I’ve heard/seen of calves implants, I feel like the trend started a few years back.
Thousands of years developing pattern recognition and we use it for shitposts. Peak evolution
The best part is scrolling my feed for that unexpected conclusion.
Every time.
Ankles so scandalous!
Quality crossover