• philpo@feddit.org
    6 hours ago

    Depends on who you know.

    If you are well connected to a cartel or a similar crime organisation or at least in good standing with them: No, it’s not that difficult, sadly.

    If you are not, thankfully it’s hard.

    Why? Because it’s illegal and that is a problem for the buyer in that case. Why? Because if you hire someone he can simply fuck off with the money. Now what do you do now? You can’t go to the police or sue him. You can of course hire another hitman and try to kill the first hitman . But who guarantees that this hitman is not also fucking off with the money? (There was literally a case when this happened).

    So unless you have some kind of “society net” behind you, that protects you from this, either via coercion (“Pablo will kill your family if you fuck off with his money, the buyer is his veterinarian!”) or other guarantees (“You are no longer welcome with lemmafia, you screwed over one of us!”) you are likely fucked.

    And if you would,you would not ask that here.

    Which is good.

    The old school hitman that worked for a higher up in a syndicate has nearly disappeared these days at least in the industrial nations. DNA based investigation techniques are fairly common these days and it is nearly impossible to be certain that you left no traces. And these can fuck you over 20 years later. So it’s not a long term career these days as people don’t want to risk being caught for drunk driving 20 years later and now have a murder case brought up against them all of a sudden. Additionally these kind of people are a liability - they can connect someone who does not want to be connected to a crime to one. Which makes them very interesting witnesses.

    Even the crime cartels often use kids/minors as hitman these days - sometimes even brought in from South America,etc. just for the crime. They have very little risk of detection as they won’t be in any databases, they don’t care if they get their DNA on something when they disappear into a slum (or worse) afterwards anyway and if caught they won’t get harsh sentences most of the time.