At risk of sounding stupid, I need some pointers on how to set up a Wi-Fi router and make it as private and secure as possible.

To sound even more stupid, I don’t really know what PiHole is, or why some people route their traffic through a VPN. I suppose my main questions are these:

  • What Wi-Fi router should I get?
  • How do I configurate it as somebody who is somewhat privacy-conscious but not very tech-savvy?

I don’t really know how regular Wi-Fi routers work, what the common worries are, how/if data is at risk of being leaked, and so on. So, any pointers would be appreciated! Feel free to direct me to any privacy guides, as well. Cheers!

    27 days ago

    Well, I can’t help you much with what router to get, but one thing I do is use free DNS. They have several levels of blocking you can do for free. You can do no blocking at all, you can block known malware, you can block known malware, and advertising, or you can block known malware, advertising, and big social media. Since this is on the router DNS setting, it will apply to every device as long as it is on your network. And then you can also set it up on your Android or iPhone so that when you are on mobile data, it also keeps the same level of blocking.