This is a sign on the road to Budapesht near the border between Ukraine and Hungary. There’s the weird insistence in Ukraine to do a one-to-one transliteration of Cyrillic to Latin without much thought, so Ш just becomes SH… Google Maps link:
First I didn’t know what was wrong, only saw the cyrillic version. Then I noticed they transcribed it back to Latin in a different way to the original - that’s mindblowing! I also kinda read it as bud ape shit.
This is a sign on the road to Budapesht near the border between Ukraine and Hungary. There’s the weird insistence in Ukraine to do a one-to-one transliteration of Cyrillic to Latin without much thought, so Ш just becomes SH… Google Maps link:
In polish we say and write Budapeszt.
In polish you do almost anythig for those crazy Scrabble scores.
Polish Scrabble has just 1 point for
. Meanwhile, the Czech spelling Budapešť uses the 7-pointŤ
!First I didn’t know what was wrong, only saw the cyrillic version. Then I noticed they transcribed it back to Latin in a different way to the original - that’s mindblowing! I also kinda read it as bud ape shit.