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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 1st, 2023

  • … And when you want to create yet another centralized power which will certainly communicate the right information, you’ll get just a third source of the same, wasting thoughts, money, energy and blood on something which is not an improvement, instead of whatever else you could do.

    It’s funny, when you say you’re ancap and explain the ideology in a few sentences, people hate your guts or say it’s stupid or that you are a useful idiot.

    When you explain the same slowly over the years using current events as illustration, people either agree with you and have nothing to say, or what they say makes sense ; there’s a person in my family who is ex-military, nostalgic over USSR, has kinda Marxist views on the world which he uses to support a kinda fascist ideology, and all my libertarian things considered a channel of degeneracy at some point, yet in the last ~5 years we have no disagreements over how specific things work.

    This leads me to a simple thought that maybe social media as “a huge forum” is inherently harmful. Even when we discuss the same things with the same people regularly over years, we may not notice that and not have any progress in mutual understanding.

    Insularity allows us to have deeper exchange of ideas with the same people naturally, instead of taking your place in the ranks of blues and greens verbally pummeling each other, you are talking as an individual to another person which is an individual.

  • Any monopoly incentive does, it’s the same in developing countries with monopolized industries - people need them, so they keep paying, people don’t have choice, so they don’t leave, and no competition arises because of cronyism.

    Thus, say, utility companies in Armenia are such crap. Actually any companies in Armenia, it’s thoroughly oligopolized to the degree that locals think it’s all fine, because it’s all the same. Living in Armenia is as expensive as living near Moscow, while wages, eh, are definitely not the same. What I don’t understand is the locals’ stubborn belief that they can make things better without changing the society where oligopolies, things working via acquaintances, theft being socially acceptable, bendable rules and no responsibility are usual ; I suspect envy for people explaining why they can’t is a reason too.

    Why did I type this …

  • “Everyone” in natural languages is very close to “the majority”.

    then justify it with a lack of protests, and protests not going anything?

    This was incomprehensible for me and requires clarification.

    You clearly stated something as fact, then went beyond moving the goalpost, playing a completely different game with your justification.

    No, I don’t think so. Also don’t do that “strict” tone, your logic is not strict and you don’t have the authority.

    I can’t think of anyone in my communication circle that would ever shrug off genocide.

    That’s usually done by ignoring those you don’t care about. How many genocides you and your circle are not shrugging off? You do realize that a 2-digit number of non-sanctioned UN member countries are doing it right now and you are not protesting?

    Virtually everyone not taking part in genocide agrees it’s wrong, and anyone trying to justify it or saying “everyone is fine with it to some degree” is extremely suspect.

    Everyone taking part in one agrees it’s wrong as well, and says they are not.

  • Well, because it’s still enormously complex and growing, and because, in user applications, comparing today’s XFCE to 2010’s XFCE is sad, and because comparing today’s Gnome to Gnome 2 in its prime is sad, and because comparing today’s KDE, eh, even to KDE4 - the same.

    Because it’s becoming less and less logical, wave after wave people suffering NIH syndrome and\or thinking that mimicking MacOS or Windows is very smart erode it, and because the Web is ugly and becoming uglier.

    And because CWM initial configuration takes 15 minutes to write and forget, and there’s no Wayland compositor which would take the same amount of time to set up for me, with the same easiness of use.

    Anyway, what I wrote in that comment was a subjective feeling and I’m trying to rationalize it retroactively now, which is the same as lying.

    Of course it’s what you said for Windows and MacOS users.

  • What other states have recognized NK/Artsakh as independent or part of Armenia?

    How is this relevant? Technically Armenia did in 1991, because Artsakh had a unification referendum (then supported, for example, by the EU), but during the war it kinda backtracked to the position I’m describing further.

    What’s Armenia take on this specific issue?

    Armenia’s take can be either that Artsakh is part of it or that it can’t represent Artsakh. I mean, that’s logical.

    QP government has said all kinds of things, but they are not legitimate after 2021 in my opinion.

    I am going by memory, but hasn’t Armenia itself not recognized Artsakh as independent and legally they consider it to be part of Azerbaijan?

    Armenian government’s position was that it recognizes the authority of the OSCE Minsk Group, the principles of resolution of which included mandatory right to self-determination.

    So no. What it did was that Artsakh can either be independent or undetermined for all eternity until a solution satisfying all principles is found. It was considered that with 3 nuclear powers as guarantors there won’t be more war.

    If this is correct, does that mean the Armenian government is also complicit in genocide of Artsakh Armenian, or how does this work? Or did I get this wrong?

    You got it wrong, but since 2020 the Armenian government has said all kinds of things, including such. And yes, it’s definitely complicit.

    Which doesn’t negate the simple fact that Artsakh is in Armenia’s declaration of independence as part of it and in its constitution as something it can’t recognize as part of Azerbaijan contrary to its right of self-determination.

    Ukraine wants to invade NK/Artsakh? Come on now…

    Didn’t say that.

    You have a completely wrapped perception of the Ukrainian government’s and public’s view on NK/Artsakh.

    I hope so, but all the official statements suck.

    I just hope you just aren’t aware of reality and are not wasting my time with this…

    As I said.

  • The vast majority of russians support imperialism and a majority hold genocidal views (they would never openly agree to this, but on an outcome basis they do support eradication of Ukrainian culture and not only).

    Don’t pretend there’s any difference to yourself in this though. Just different allowed targets.

    Even to this day, every russian with a smartphone has access to uncensored youtube available within 10 secs on their phone.

    You have access to whole ass uncensored Web yet I’m certain you don’t know shit about siege and ethnic cleansing of Artsakh, while the 3 mediators there were (and formally still are) USA, France and Russia.

    And the USA representative publicly said they won’t allow ethnic cleansing days before it happened. And, say, in case of Ukraine they well knew months before and were very loud with warnings. And after said ethnic cleansing they immediately started talking the way it became clear that they supported it. And no sanctions have been put on Azerbaijan (which is also a big proxy for Russian strategic exports and imports, but that’s unimportant, of course).

    So being Armenian I say shut up.

    Also no, vast majority of Russians don’t support anything such, they are just in apathy because kinda big protests were not successful in changing the government.

    I’ll add that when those protests were happening, “the West” mostly supported Putin by recognizing his stolen elections, just like they did during Chechen wars and, of course, with opposition to Yeltsin’s fascist tendencies. Cause there were lots of money to be made in Russia for politicians making those decisions.

    Any such moralizing westerner should go to the frontline and replace some Ukrainian life in the total number of the dead.

  • TBF to fight a government that went rogue in our time you’ll need a whole lot more than knowing how to shoot a rifle.

    Field medicine. Chemistry. How to build underground shelters against airstrikes. How to make mortars and mortar shots in garage with commonly available tooling. Using FPV drones, of course. Using (and possibly making) AT shots. Maybe simple (Katyusha-level) artillery manufacturing. Making mines.

    That’s just some of the manufacturing knowledge you’ll need, it’s much more.

    Communications - something easy to get wrong.

    Then - tactics and teamwork, of course. It’s a lot to learn and requires lots of training.

    Logistics. Something which doesn’t seem as hard as the rest, while in fact the hardest.

    And I’m just mentioning things, one can write a book for every one of them.