“Turns out we didn’t even need to invade Taiwan LOL”, but in Chinese
We are going to bring production back to the US! First step, remove Bidens attempt to bring production back to US!
Then reintroduced it as Trump’s and add more money to the top 1%
Whelp, I know who to call traitors.tl the free world: anyone who takes the bait here. Not saying America is the better option currently, but definitely a lot better than the “There’s No Genocide In Xinjiang Despite An Independent Tribunal Saying There Is!” China team.
The most documented genocide in human history is happening in gaza and is fully funded and supported to the point of prisons and deportation in America. This “independent tribunal” never went to xinyang and are an arm of American global influence. How fucking stupid are you, you live in the most facist, evil and more imperialistic nation on earth, tens of millions unnecessarily died because of America this century. who are you to point fingers at literally any nation when your nation was born from the genocide of an entire continent!! Go read a book, Jesus Christ
I doubt they understand Mandarin.
You’d be surprised how many top level engineers are Chinese; there’s a joke about the AI race that it’s our Chinese vs their Chinese.
More than half of all new engineers of the world are chinese.
I mean you get to trade one authoritarian government for another, just the other is super densly populated, polluted to all hell, and speaks a language you probably don’t know. I mean, I guess China has their similarities to Silicon Valley, NYC, Chicago, etc.